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Steve's pov:

Steve was standing there shocked. He had managed to climb into the helicopter but he had just watched Ashlyn get stabbed. He hesitated but before he could do anything to help her, she pulled out the knife and plunged it into the chest of the man across from her. Steve was very surprised by this.

"You k-killed my s-son" The man stammered. He heard Ashlyn reply with an

"I know" Before dragging the knife down his chest. Steve cringed, he hated the sight of all the blood spilling everywhere.

He was also very aware that Ashlyn had just murdered two people on her... wedding day???

He doesn't even know anymore.

Steve was pulled out of his thoughts when Ashlyn grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him out of the helicopter with her. Steve was about to ask her why the hell she would do that when the helicopter suddenly burst into flames above them. Steve was very shocked and relieved that Ash had pulled him out with her but they were now facing the fact that they were falling from very very high up.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" he shouted at her



That was enough to shut her up. Steve could almost see the gears turning in her head. He could only hope that she knew what she was doing because he had no idea. Quite suddenly she grabbed the back of Steve's shirt and pushed him a little ahead.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" he shouted

"SAVING YOUR LIFE" she shouted back.

Steve looked at the incoming ground and understood her plan. There was an ocean a little ahead, that she was no doubt planning on landing in. Steve was very nervous about the landing. He may be a super soldier but he had never fallen from so high up and he wasn't sure what would happen. And Ashlyn was just fifteen. What if her body couldn't handle it? Steve also knew that she was currently bleeding out from the stab wound. He was pulled out of his thoughts as they got closer and closer to the water. He saw Ashlyn close her eyes and he himself tried to think happy thoughts as he waited for impact.

As his body hit the water he felt the burn from where his arm had hit first. His stomach was hurting very badly and he definitely had a concussion or something with the amount of pain his head was in at the moment. Steve was only in the water for a few moments before he managed to swim to the surface. When his head broke the surface he immediately looked around for any sign of Ashlyn.

When he couldn't see her, Steve started to panic. He swam around the area where they had fallen but there was no sign of Ashlyn anywhere. Steve had tried looking for her underwater but the water was way too dark and too salty for him to see anything. He suddenly spotted something floating with the current a little away from where he was. Steve swam forward and was relieved when he saw that it was Ashlyn. His relief was short-lived however when he realized that she wasn't awake. Steve checked her for a pulse, it was small and slow but it was still there. Steve half dragged half carried her as he swam toward the shore. When he finally arrived there he was very out of breath.

He laid Ashlyn down on the sand and started with chest compressions. He noticed the blood getting on his hands and ripped a piece off his soaking shirt to place against the wound. It wasn't doing any good but he wasn't sure what else to do. He couldn't call for help because he didn't have his phone. He could try and carry her out of here but he wasn't sure whether or not that would just make things worse and he didn't want to leave her here by herself. The beach was empty and he couldn't see anyone nearby.

Steve made a decision and carefully lifted Ashlyn up. He carried her bridal style down the shore toward where he hoped would be help. Steve walked for a good ten minutes, checking every now and then to make sure that Ashlyn didn't die literally in his arms. He finally made it to a twenty-four-hour gas station. As he walked in, the cashier seemed very confused on why he was carrying an unconscious girl in his arms and why they were both soaking wet.

"I need to borrow a phone," Steve said urgently. The cashier looked as though he was going to protest but with another look at Ashlyn, he agreed.

He handed Steve a cellphone and Steve quickly typed in Tony's personal number. It rang a few times before Tony finally picked up.

"I don't know who the hell this is or how you got this number but-"

"Tony it's me"

"Steve?! Where the hell are you man? Listen we lost her, we lost Ashlyn"

"I have her Tony! And she's barely breathing" Steve was getting impatient. The cashier was giving him weird looks and the unconscious girl in his arms was still not waking up.

"Wait what? What do you mean by-"

"Just, how fast can you get to me? And bring medical" Steve cut him off

"I'll track the phone and be there soon. With medical"

With that Tony hung up the phone and Steve handed it back to the cashier. Steve laid Ashlyn down on the ground carefully and sprinted through the different aisles of the store. He found a few things he could use and sprinted back to Ashlyn. He wrapped her waist with a number of different products and held them tightly to hopefully stop the bleeding for a while.

It was about ten minutes later when a quinjet landed outside the store. Steve carefully picked Ashlyn and ran toward the jet. Inside were Tony, Bruce, and Bucky.

"Steve what the hell happened?!" said Bucky.

"Later, right now she needs help." Steve laid Ashlyn on the table and Bruce immediately got to work putting an oxygen mask over her face and injecting different IVs and fluids into her system.

Once Steve was sure that she was breathing properly he turned back to the stunned Tony and Bucky who had been watching him the entire time.

"Now are you gonna tell us what happened?" Asked Tony.

So Steve explained everything that happened. He told them about the man on the helicopter and how the helicopter blew up. He told them about how Ashlyn basically saved his life and how they landed in the ocean. By the end of his story, both Tony and Bucky were looking very concerned and worried.

"Maybe you should get checked too Steve," Tony said.

"I will, once we get back to the tower. For now, just make sure she's okay" 

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