Bonus scene #3

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3rd person pov:

The Avengers were on their way back from a mission.

All of them except Tony, who had gotten a concussion a few days prior when he and Liam decided it would be a good idea to build some weird robot guy that completely destroyed everything in the lab.

It was a good thing Tony was rich.

Maya and Ash currently sat in the back of the jet. Ash was bandaging a small cut Maya had gotten from their recent fight.

"You girls did good today." Both girls looked up from Maya's hand and smiled at Steve, who just sat down across from them. "I know I've said this before, but I'm really glad you both decided to join the team. Not sure what would've happened if you weren't there" He admitted. It was true though, if Ash hadn't been there to stop the agents from reaching the main room in the facility, things would have been catastrophic.

"Yeah well, what would you guys do without me?" Ash joked as she finished taping the bandage around Maya's hand.

"Sorry to break up the group huddle, but we've just landed" called Nat from the front of the jet.

They all walked into the tower, which was suspiciously quiet. Considering how they left both Liam and Tony by themselves in the tower for a few hours, Ash thought that half the building would've been blown up by now. She had been rather looking forward to watching Tony get lectured by Maya about "being responsible."

"Where do you think they are?" Asked Maya, who had also been thinking that the tower was way too quiet.

"JARVIS where's Tony?" asked Steve

"Mr. Stark and Mr. Hudson are in the living room, sir."

They all got into the elevator and pressed the button for the living room floor.

The doors opened and Ash gasped

There was a whole... indoor roller coaster going around the living room. Ash had seen a lot of things in her life but this... this was new.

Tony was at the start of the roller coaster, helping Liam put his seatbelt and helmet on, which just showed how unsafe this thing could be if even Tony thought it was a good idea to wear protection.

"Liam what the heck?!" Maya shouted.

Both Liam's and Tony's heads snapped to meet the Avengers. Who were all standing there with wide eyes, eyeing the huge thing the two mechanics had built.

"What? I was bored" Liam said with a shrug.

Maya turned her eyes to look at Tony with an exasperated look.

Tony just shrugged and went back to what he was doing. "What? He was bored."

There was a silence for a few seconds, none of them seemed to know what to say. The silence was broken when Clint suddenly walked forward.

"I call going next" he called Liam.

Maya looked to Ash with a "tell them that they're wrong" face and Ash hesitated.

"Ash," Maya said, egging her on to tell the others they were wrong.

Ash deadpanned, she knew what Maya wanted her to do but...

She stepped forward and Maya sighed out in relief, everyone usually listened to Ash... for some reason she didn't even know.

Ash opened her mouth to speak and started running over to Liam

"I call going next"

Maya glared at her.

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