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Ashlyn's pov:

Ash parked the motorcycle back in the garage and carried herself into the house. As she expected, Maya and Liam were still asleep, but she didn't mind. She walked up the stairs and decided to take a shower before they woke up. She stood in the shower and let her body change back into her normal appearance. Her legs got shorter and she could feel her face changing. Her hair got longer and darker while her eyes turned their normal shade of bright green. She liked being in her actual appearance, she felt more herself.

As the warm water ran down her face and body she thought back to her mission. That man that had shot at her, she was almost sure it was Hawkeye. She recognized him from the news. But if he was there then does that mean that the rest of the Avengers were there too? Why? Did they know about her? Ash shook her head and cleared her mind from these thoughts. There was absolutely no way that the Avengers knew about her. She had been so careful, changing appearances with each mission. There was no way that they had caught onto that. It was probably just a coincidence that they were there, She had seen in the files that Maya had hacked into from Stark tower that showed they were going after Hydra bases, so it makes sense that they were there.

Ash sighed and turned off the water. She got out of the shower and looked in the mirror. Her long hair that was now dripping wet, reached down to her waist but with a blink of her eye, it was no longer wet and in one long french braid going down her back. In another blink of the eye, she was wearing her baby blue bathrobe and fluffy pink slippers. Making her way down the stairs Ash could smell the pancakes and it made her mouth water. Maya must have woken up and started making breakfast. Maya was the only one out of the three of them that knew how to cook. Ashlyn knew how to do simple things like using a toaster or turn on the microwave, but Maya didn't let her go anywhere near the stove or the oven because of that one time that Ash had accidentally started a fire. Liam wasn't allowed to use the stove either because Maya didn't trust him not to burn the house down. So it was usually Maya who made food but the other two didn't mind, her food always turned out amazing anyway.

"Morning Maya," Ash said as she opened the fridge to look for the whipped cream.

"Morning, how was the mission?" Maya asked, not looking up from the stove where she was making pancakes.

"The mission went just as planned. I was in and out in no time," she replied before shaking the bottle of whipped cream and pouring some into her mouth. Maya smacked her hand away and stole the bottle, putting it on the table. "I did meet Hawkeye though," she casually added.

"You what!!"

"Relax, the Avengers have bigger problems than me to worry about."

"Alright then, you'll be meeting up with the client later this evening around 8 to get paid. Do you mind waking Liam?" Ash made her way upstairs and knocked on Liam's door. She heard a groan from the other side of the door and decided that it was safe to enter. She walked into the room and sat on the young boy's bed.

"Hey bud, time to wake up" she gently shook him and he groaned again.

"Five more minutes" he mumbled and she laughed.

"Not a chance" she started to tickle him and he smacked her hands away sitting up quickly.

"Ok ok I'm up" he yawned and threw the blankets off of him.

"Good, cause Maya made pancakes" the boy's eyes widened happily, she chuckled and left the room letting him get changed out of pajamas.

---(time skip)---

Ash was riding her motorcycle, on her way to meet the same client that had given her this mission. She parked the motorcycle and made her way inside the abandoned building. She had changed her appearance so that she looked the same as yesterday. Her hair was darker than usual and was in a tight high ponytail. She had also made herself a few years older and a few inches taller. As she walked in she spotted him standing in the center of the room with a backpack on. She walked closer to him and he looked up at her.

Emerald Assassin X Avengers (an Avengers Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now