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Ashlyn's pov:

Ash would have fought her way out, but Peter had offered her a doughnut and she wasn't one to refuse free food. Ash remained silent the entire ride, ignoring every question the Avengers threw at her. When she felt the jet land she decided to tease them a bit.

"Let's go kid" Said Bucky

"Where are we going, Starbucks?" She put on an innocent smile

"No, we are not going to Starbucks"

"Then I'm not coming" She crossed her arms in front of her chest and huffed.

"What are we five?"

"One of us is, it's not me, I'm fifteen." Bucky looked taken aback by her retort while the rest of the team did their best to hold in their laughter.

"Just get up" Bucky pulled her behind him and walked out of the jet. Ash recognized this to be the balcony of the Avengers tower. Bucky led her to the elevator and clicked on a floor. When the doors opened again he dragged her down the hallways. Ash got annoyed by his grip on her arm and she yanked it away.

"I know how to walk grandpa." Bucky ignored her comment and continued walking down the hall. Finally, they reached a certain room and he took her inside. Inside the very large room was another smaller room made of glass. Inside the glass was a small cell made of metal that Ash recognized as vibranium. Bucky grabbed her arm again and put her inside the cell. He locked the door and walked out so that he was now observing her from outside the glass cage. The rest of the Avengers soon came in as well. Ash could hear Peter filling them in on what he had heard between her and Aaron.

"Snitch" Ash muttered under her breath but she had a sneaking suspicion Peter could hear her by the way the corners of his mouth lifted slightly. Ash thought about Maya and Liam and her team. They were probably wondering where the hell she was. Ash knew there was no point trying to break out of here, she may be strong but she wasn't strong enough to break the strongest metal in the world. Ash decided she would have to talk her way out of here. But that didn't mean she couldn't have her fun while she was at it. The Avengers were all talking amongst themselves but Ash noticed Sam watching her closely. Ash smirked at him and then turned herself invisible. Sam's eyes widened and he started to panic. Ash held in a laugh as she watched Sam yell at the Avengers and point to the "empty" cell.

"Where'd she go?!" asked Clint

"JARVIS, where is Ashlyn?" Tony asked

"It would appear she is still in her cell sir" The AI responded. Ash rolled her eyes, was nobody here good at keeping secrets?

"Show yourself you little chameleon," Tony said in an unamused tone. Ash slowly made herself visible again and the whole team just stared except for Tony who just rolled his eyes.

"That was not funny," said Sam, and Ash giggled

"It was a little funny," Ash said in a matter-of-fact tone and Sam rolled his eyes. Ash sat down on the floor of her cell and waited patiently. The Avengers just stared at her.

"Do you guys have any coloring books or something?" Ash asked calmly.

"Tell you what, you answer some questions and we'll give you a coloring book" suggested Steve. Ash knew they wouldn't let her out without talking and she might as well get something in return, so she nodded. Nat and Steve walked into the glass room and sat down on the other side of Ash's cell.

"Why are you going after Hydra leaders?" Ashed Steve

"Can't a girl do a little charity work?" Ash asked innocently but Nat gave her an unconvinced look. "Just another mission" she added.

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