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Ashlyn's pov:

Ash's eyes squinted open but quickly closed again at the bright light.

Was she dead?

Her entire body hurt, her head was still pounding and the slight ringing in her ears was still there.

Nope, definitely not dead.

The ground underneath Ash didn't feel like grass, and there was something covering her... a blanket?

Ash's eyes opened again and this time Ash brought a hand up to her face to block the light, at least she tried to. Something was restricting her hand from lifting any higher than her shoulder. Ash looked down and saw an IV tube protruding from her arm. Ash looked around, the walls were a plain white color. She was laying in what seemed to be a white hospital bed, there was an empty white chair next to the bed. There were no windows and one white door on the far wall. Ash ripped the tube from her arm and sat up. The motion made her head spin and she shut her eyes quickly to stop herself from getting dizzy.

Where the hell was she?

The last thing Ash remembered is the explosion, the boy, screaming, Ash running into the fire, and then lights out.

Ash slid her legs over the side of the bed and threw off the blanket. She was wearing... A hospital gown? What the heck was going on?

Ash stood up but instantly fell back on the bed. Pain shot through her left leg and she winced. Ash looked down and saw what seemed to be, her knee bone out of place...

This was going to hurt... a lot.

Ash took a few calming breaths before harshly popping her knee back into place. The pain was excruciating but after a few moments, she started to feel better. She stood up and limped to the door, she was slightly surprised when she was able to open it, part of her was expecting it to be locked. Ash popped her head out and looked around. This seemed to be a facility of some sort? Maybe? Everything was white, from the ceiling to the floor, to the doors, to the creepy flickering lights of the hallway. Something about this wasn't right. Ash strained to hear something but it just made her head hurt more so she stopped. Ash couldn't see anyone in sight so she stepped out of the room. The floor was cold under her bare feet. She wondered where her dress and heels had gone but honestly, she didn't really care. Ash turned down random hallways trying to find some kind of exit or something but this place seemed to go on forever. Every room Ash stepped into was the same, a white hospital bed, white chair, no windows. Now that Ash thought about it, she hadn't seen any windows in this place at all. Or people, for that matter.

How the hell did she get here?

Where the hell was she?

Steve's pov:

Where the hell was Ash?

It's been three days.

Steve hasn't seen or heard from Ash in three days, no one in the tower had. Even Maya and Liam were starting to worry. Ash usually would have at least texted them if she was going to be gone for longer than a day or two. Steve was extremely worried. He had tried to call her, text her, Maya had tried to track her phone, but it just read as disabled.

Steve had a very bad feeling about this. Something must be wrong.

All the Avengers plus Maya and Liam were currently sitting in the conference room. Fury had called a meeting and apparently, he wanted Maya and Liam there too.

Steve was about to ask where Fury was when he suddenly walked in with a file in hand and a serious expression on his face. Fury placed the file on the table and stood in front of them and Steve opened it.

"There was a meeting with some of the Hydra families last night. There was an explosion. Three hundred people died. Men, Women, children..."

Steve looked down at the pictures and swallowed. There were bodies everywhere, the fire was wearing down and the building was absolutely destroyed.

Steve was brought out of his thoughts by Fury's next words.

"Seeing as our little runaway friend has a history of dealing with Hydra, and nobody had seen her in the past few days, I can safely assume-"

"You think Ash did this?" Asked Nat who had been looking at the file from over Steve's shoulder.

"It makes sense, she hates Hydra and-"

"Ash didn't do this" Said Maya, cutting Fury off. "It's not her style, she would never hurt kids."

"But she hasn't been-"

"It wasn't her," Maya said harshly, ending Fury's train of thought.

"Maya's right, why would she save a bunch of Hydra kids just to blow up some other ones?" Asked Tony.

"Maybe it wasn't the kids she was aiming for." Suggested Fury, "Oliver Mackento was supposed to be made the new leader of Hydra at that party," He told them.

Steve froze at those words, is that where Ash had gone?

"Who is this Olive Magnet?" Asked Thor, Steve realized how much he's missed. "And who is Ash?"

"Ash is Steve's maybe offspring, awkward, kinda daughter, and Oliver tried to kill her" Tony explained, Steve glared at him.

"He also killed her friend" Added Clint.

Steve noticed Maya look down at those words but chose not to mention it.

"I would like to meet the daughter of Captain," Said Thor, excitedly, seeming to forget everything about the explosion.

"Well like the pirate man said, She's been gone three days," Said Sam, causing Fury to roll the one eye that was visible.

"Any ideas on where she might be?" Asked Bucky. Everyone turned to look hopefully at Maya who shrugged.

"Ash does whatever she wants, whenever she wants. For all, we know she could be in Paris or something" Maya told them and they all frowned.

Steve somehow felt responsible for what Maya said, Ash may think it's nice not to have any rules but she was going to get hurt if she kept doing whatever she wanted. Steve wouldn't let that happen if he could help it.

"So what? We just wait for her to come back on her own?" Asked Nat

"I guess for now it's the only thing we can do" Said Bruce.


I love Thor 

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