Chapter 6

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"There's nothing I can do about it, Maruf."

"But you're the king!" Maruf whined.

"In this moment, yes. But I don't have any say when Karim's the king and if he says you're going to be the ruler of Dubai that's what is going to happen."

"But dad!" Maruf exclaimed.

"I told you. He can't help you." Karim said to him.

Maruf glared at Karim.

"I'm leaving." He stormed out of the office villa.

Tawfiq sighed.

"Do you think they'll run away?" Tawfiq asked Karim.

"Highly improbable." Karim shook his head.

"But if they do maybe they'll mature in the process." He shrugged.

"What time is it?" Tawfiq asked.

He wasn't wearing his watch but he was dressed up.

"1:00pm. Why? Are you going somewhere?"

"Sheikh Latif is coming here today." Tawfiq informed him.

"Noor's dad?" Karim arched a brow.

He hadn't heard from Noor since he came home...two days ago. But still.

"Yeah. I need him to agree on a few things and he's just being stubborn about it." Tawfiq sighed.

"Noor did say he was stubborn." Karim reminded.

"Latif's been stubborn since forever."

"He'll be here soon so you can leave now if you want." Tawfiq added as he fixed a pile of files on his desk.

"I'll stay. I want to meet him."


"I need him to know me personally first before I start doing anything." Karim said.

"Anything? Are you planning..."

"Yes. I'm planning on marrying Noor. In Shaa Allah. I'm still deciding if I'll marry her before or after I become king." Karim said simply.

"What?" Tawfiq's face contorted in confusion.

When did Noor come into the picture?

"Is there something wrong with her?" Karim arched a brow.

"I mean...not really. She seems like a good choice. A very good choice if you ask me. Too good." Tawfiq pointed out.

"Then why the shock?" Karim asked.

"I didn't think you had marriage on your mind."

"You thought I'd wallow and drown myself in sadness and grief because the woman I loved dumped me?" Karim chuckled.

"It's been four years, dad. I'm over her." Karim added with a smile Tawfiq could clearly see through.

"Hmm. I see. But do you love her?"

Karim frowned.

"I don't love Z anymore." Karim muttered angrily.

Tawfiq arched a brow.

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