Chapter 35

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Was Noor dead? Astagfirullah but still.
It was like she wasn't living in the same house with him. He couldn't find her anywhere. Everytime he thought he would find her, he'd find out she had left the house already.

She had all the right to ignore him though. But he only wanted to apologise. Nothing more.
It had been 2 days since he finally opened his door. He hadn't seen Zaira yet too. And doesn't that make you just sad.

Karim shook the voice away.

But he had spent time with Samia and Maher the whole of yesterday trying to make it up to them. They hadn't even gotten angry or anything. They were just curious as to why he didn't want to come out of his room. He just lied to them that he caught a flu and didn't want anyone to get it too.
They didn't care.

Today however, he was determined to catch Noor. If he had to sit outside her door or at the main entrance just to catch her before she left for wherever, he would do it.

Karim stepped outside to see Nick heading towards his room.


"Nick. Did my sister agree."

"Yes. She said she's fine with having the engagement next week."

"Nice. You'll be officially off the market next week."

"Yep. Luckily you guys can marry four women."

"Habiba is probably going to kill you when she hears that." Karim chuckled.

"Before I forget, I wanted you to teach me a few of your Islam stuff."

"When are you planning on reverting?"

"I want to learn a bit. If I feel ready before the engagement then I probably will do it before the engagement. If not then I'll do it before the wedding."

"That's fine. I can teach you a few things whenever you want. I'm happy for you Nick. Maybe when you discover it more you'll come to love it."

Nick laughed.
"I had to give up bacon, Karim. It will take me a while to get over the loss."

"There's chicken bacon everywhere here."

"Probably won't hit the same."

"As I said. You might come to love it when you discover more and understand everything better."


"Where were you going before I came here?"

"I've been trying to talk to Noor but it seems I never get to catch her even for a second."

"Oh I met her outside. She was heading towards the zoo, I think."

"Are you sure?" Karim asked again.

Nick nodded.

"Thank you, man. I'll catch up with you later." Karim jogged by Nick and quickly made his way down the stairs and out the house. This time he'd find her.


Karim looked around the open zoo. She was no where in sight. Did Nick see wrongly? Probably. But if she was heading in the zoo's direction when Nick saw her, then Karim would have seen her as she was making her way back.

He sighed. Where did she go?

He was about to turn around and go back to the house when he heard a low squeal coming from the nursery.


Karim quickly made his way there without even thinking. He found her looking through the glass to see the new baby liger they had in the nursery.

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