Chapter 41

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The smile disappeared from Karim's face. Zaira looked like she had seen a ghost.
In the back of the heads they both knew it was just a matter of time until Zayan arrived but why were they shocked out of their shells.

It was like someone was ripping out a part of them that was never theirs to begin with.

They all just stood there in silence, waiting for the inevitable.
It didn't take long for the golf cart with Zayan on board to get to them.

Karim couldn't read Zayan's expression. He looked betrayed, hurt, confused...happy?

Zaira just wanted to shrink into a shell a disappear forever and she incessantly  started praying for it when a furrowed brow angry looking Zayan started trekking her way.

Zayan's frame was cut from her view in a second when Karim moved in front of her.

"Let's talk first, Zayan. Nothing will come out from being angry."

"She's my sister!" Were the first words to come out from Zayan's mouth.

"And she's my wife as well. I know you're angry..."

"Angry? I'm fuming. But I have so much respect for your parents and you so I'm doing my best here." Even his voice was calm.

"I understand..."

"No, you don't understand! I had a child I knew nothing about till a month ago. The one family I had in the world that I thought trusted me, cared about me, lied right to my face." His teeth gritted together.

"I'm so sorry, Zayan!" Zaira exclaimed.

"Why, Zaira, why? I may have hurt you when I left home before but I did it to protect you. Why would you do this to me? Why would you do this to him? He didn't deserve that and you should know that after everything he's been through just for you."

"I tried Zayan! I tried to tell you. But you wouldn't have understood and you were already planning on joining the army! I didn't want you to throw it away just to stay with me."

"You're my sister! The army was only an option because I didn't have any meaning to my life after jail. I was lost and confused. Yes. I probably would have sent you packing back here but that would have been the best thing. If I knew Aliya was pregnant I would have never even left."

"You two were alone, without any help. What if something had happened to either one of you? Then what?"

That's when it hit Zaira. Zayan didn't know Aliya was dead.

"Zayan..." Zaira called out softly.

"Don't Zayan me. I don't understand why she would not tell me. She could have contacted me when I was in boot camp. I talked to you even so why didn't you tell me anything then? She had to look after our child all by herself. What does that make me?"

Karim looked at Zaira with a confused face.

He didn't know.

"Listen to me, Zayan. When I met Aliya you were already gone to boot camp. I saw her hovering around our house when I came to get some stuff. I remembered her and somehow she told me she was in a relationship with you and was expecting your child. I wanted her to tell you the truth but she insisted she wanted you to finish boot camp. You sounded so happy about it when you were telling her. She didn't want to be in your way to happiness. And besides if I told you the truth, she would have also told you that I wasn't living in the UAE."

Zaira moved from behind Karim.

"So we planned on moving away from her family. Until you were done with boot camp at least. But you deployed right after bootcamp."

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