Chapter 64

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"You're wearing it, Zaira."

"But Aunt Naima." Zaira groaned looking at the large necklace in front of her.

"It will complement your dress, your highness. The Queen is right."

"It's yours. I don't want to take something so special."

"Yes. It's special to me. So are you. That's why I want you to wear it." Naima tried to convince her.

"Please." Naima added.

Zaira looked unsure. The necklace looked like it weighed a ton and cost a billion. She really didn't want to be the one to lose one diamond.

"I've lost 3 diamonds already. I just replaced them. If you're thinking about that then don't."

Zaira looked up at Naima from her make up seat.

"I will pay for it."


"It's the only way I'll give in to actually wear it. If something happens to it I'll pay for it."

How are you going to do that?

Zaira's inner voice chided. Well if she saved all that money Karim's family kept giving to her she could be able to fix it. Better yet she'd ensure nothing happened to the necklace.

"Okay." Naima nodded.

Zaira smiled. "I'll wear it then.

Zaira could swear her face turned as bright as the sun.
"Thank you! You don't know how much this means to me." Naima planted a kiss on Zaira's cheek which initially took Zaira by surprise but she smiled nonetheless.

"Okay. Let's call the other ladies in to get you all fixed up. Al-Fayasi men aren't known to be very patient so." Naima walked towards the door of the guest room.

After back and forth arguments, the wedding was finally going to take place in the palace.
Aziz almost had a stroke when he found out.
A wedding outside was simpler. But inside required more effort but he only nodded when he was informed.

Karim didn't mind. Zaira only chose the palace because she thought it would be cheaper. Boy was she wrong. Aunt Farrhana clearly didn't work with a budget in mind. No one had even said a word about money.

A few women walked in and everything became a blur. With orders being thrown around.
It worked. Whom ever was staring back at her wasn't her.
They helped her with her dress and gave a final smoothing down to her hair.

"Okay. The final touch." Naima had the necklace in hand.

Zaira looked in the mirror as Naima placed the necklace around her neck and clasped it behind her.

She was right. It did complement the dress.


Zaira could hear so many cars from outside getting into the palace. The wedding inside the palace had a limit to guest so it would just be some important guests and family. They'd have a party later outside where more important guests would be invited just so Zaira could be shown off. She didn't dream of this ever in her cell in juvey. Life was funny.

Zaira turned towards the door when someone knocked.

Bella walked in.

"Well don't you look beautiful." She grinned.

"Bella. Everything okay outside?" Naima asked.

"Apart from Dean trying to use his eyes as an X ray for every single guest and Karim trying to dig a whole in the living room downstairs I guess everything is fine."

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