Chapter 17

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"Ali's waiting for you downstairs." Tawfiq arched a brow when Karim entered his office again.

They had already finished talking but for some reason he had returned.

"I know. I need to call Sheikh Latif first." Karim informed his dad.

Tawfiq frowned.

"Now? Didn't Noor get home a few hours ago?" Tawfiq questioned.

"I know. But I need to talk to him to ask for her hand before I leave for Aracruz." Karim insisted.

"Why? You can ask when you return." Tawfiq narrowed his gaze.

"I just have to, dad. Please."

"There must be a reason you want to make everything official so fast. You proposed to her without any prior plans. And now, you're just going to drop the bomb on Latif just after his daughter arrived home? Is she pregnant?" Tawfiq asked the obvious.

Karim exhaled.

"If she is, it wouldn't be mine. But she isn't. I just want to get everything out and official. Set in stone." Karim explained vaguely.

Tawfiq smiled tightly and softened his expression.

"Tell me why, Karim. I'll understand." He said calmly.

Karim's left eye twitched. He felt his hands shake slightly.

Not Now.

His leg wobbled.

Karim breathed out and fell to his knees before hitting the ground.

His medication was in his stuff in the car with Ali.

"Karim!" Tawfiq alarmingly spoke and run to him.

"My pills. Car." Karim groaned out.

Karim saw his father dashing out of the office in a millisecond.

His nose felt blocked off so he breathed through his mouth in large gulps. He held unto his chest and pounded.
Why was he even pounding it?

Karim heard the door open and his dad came by him again with his pills and picked two of both, there were two bottles in all, and handed it to Karim.

He instantly swallowed the pills without water and waited for his breathing to normalize.

After a few minutes, it did.

"You need to get a fanny pack to keep them with you at all times, Karim." Tawfiq put out.

Karim scoffed.

"I'd rather die."

Tawfiq chuckled.

"But just keep a few pills on you. You never know." Tawfiq insisted.

Karim nodded in understanding.

Tawfiq sat on the floor by him and they both remained there in comfortable silence.

Tawfiq broke it.

"What's going on, Karim? Talk to me. Why are you in such a rush?"

Karim pursed his lips and gave a shaky chuckle.

"I'm scared."
Karim admitted.

Tawfiq looked at him with an understanding expression.

"If you're scared, why rush into this marriage? The second you tell Latif, going back on your word will be very hard."

"I'm scared. I'm just scared. If I don't make things official, I might break. Z, shevknows me. She knows what makes me tick. I don't want to waver when I find her. I won't be able to if I know I'm not held down somewhere else." Karim explained.

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