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I had just arrived home, later that day. I opened the door, and then I put my keys down on the console table. I could hear someone coming down the stairs, so I swiftly turned around and it was my cousin, June.

June is twenty-two years old. My auntie's daughter, so she's my first cousin. I absolutely loved her, but I haven't seen her since I was ten years old. She looked at me up and down and then she said "my little baby cousin, Haven. You're home. Last time I saw you, I was your age." I smiled and then I responded with "June, I've missed you so much. What are you doing here?" June smiled and the she replied with "university had bed bugs. They sent everyone home for a while, until they bring in the exterminators. Mad stuff over there. Why are you here though? Shouldn't you be at your fancy boarding school? Your mum showed me what it looked like, it is seriously lush." I looked at her and nodded and then I said "a student got murdered. They emailed all the mums about it. School is cancelled for the next two weeks, but you can stay in your dorms if you want to. I'm home because I need to talk to mum. I'm going back in a couple days." June looked at me in shock and then she asked "I'm sorry, did you just say that a student was murdered? And you're still going to go back there? I don't think it's safe, Haven." I nodded and then I responded with "there's gotten to a point where it's no longer optional. I've only been there for a month, and I have so much baggage that I can't leave behind. So it doesn't matter what has happened, I have to back." June looked at me and then she said "I'm not gonna lie, I believe you. You've grown up to be a very strong and beautiful woman. I'm pretty sure you're also an amazing werewolf." I laughed and then I replied with "transformation is painful as fuck. Obviously, you're also a werewolf. How long did it take before the transformation was no longer painful?" She smiled and then she said "honey, it's always going to be painful. It just gets to a point where the pain doesn't faze you anymore. Once that happens, you're basically over it." I looked at her and then I asked "wow, I'm not looking forward to that, but I have to ask, where's mum?" June stared at me and then she responded with "she's at some business meeting. She'll be back tonight. It's best to just talk to her tomorrow." I nodded and then the two of us went upstairs, and continued talking.

I woke up the next day with a really weird feeling. It was weird in a good way. I was waking up in my real bed for the first time in a month. I started to go downstairs and I could smell blueberry pancakes with fresh cappuccinos, I almost forgot what home smelt like. I've been so caught up in all this drama in school, that being home felt really surreal. I wasn't disappointed though, I low-key kind of missed it. Being in boarding school made me realise that it's not all that it's cracked up to be. Sometimes I kind of wish I was back home, but if I stay at home, I know that my mum is going to get a new job, and that I'm gonna have to go with her, and I need a place to settle down. So I'm willing to stay at Luna Coast High. I don't mind, it's just feels good to know that I can come home whenever I needed to, and when I came home, I knew nothing would have changed. Sometimes it feels good to know that things would be the exact same way that I left it, because not everything needs to change. Some things can stay the same. Today though, a lot of things would change. I was finally going to confront my mum with the truth about my father, and find out whether she has been lying to me or not. If she has, then home isn't going to be the same, but if she hasn't, then things can stay the way that they are. I don't even want to know why she's lying to me. I just hope she isn't.

I went downstairs to the kitchen, and sat down, my mum came out of the pantry, and she looked at me from head to toe. She put the plates of blueberry pancakes on table and then she said "you look stunning. I saw you while you were sleeping last night. I know that your last day at boarding school must've been difficult, but when situations like this happen, precautions have to be made." I looked at her confused and then I asked "what are you talking about? Yesterday wasn't my last day. I'm just home for a couple days." She looked at me and then responded with "I don't think you understand, I'm not letting you go back to that school. A student was murdered there, it's not safe. I will no longer pay for your tuition." I looked at her annoyed, and then I realised that this gave me the opportunity to confront her about my father, so I said "I can just get dad to pay it for me. After all, he does own the school." She looked at me with most shocked expression on her face. She didn't say anything, she just stood there, staring at me. I knew what this meant, but I wanted to hear her say it, that's when she asked "you know? You actually know? How did you find out? Who told you?" I nodded and then I replied with "I wasn't a hundred percent sure. Your reaction just gave me the confirmation that I needed. You've been keeping this from me for sixteen years. I don't even want to know why. The fact that you did it, is enough for me." And then I got up and left the house. I got into my car and drove off.

I've been driving around California in my car for the past couple hours. No music on, nothing. I just needed to think. How could my parents do this to me? Both of them. We've seen each other so many times. They've had plenty of opportunities to tell me the truth, neither one of them did. I don't know where I stand anymore. Harrison despises me, Sapphire, my only other hybrid friend, was murdered, I can't talk to Myles anymore, because he's my brother now, my dad just refused to be a part of my life, and my mum spent the whole my life lying to me about it. So yeah, you could say I was feeling lost, hopeless, like nothing was worth it anymore. I really wish there was a full moon tonight. I need to be a wolf right now. I need to blow off steam. I feel like I'm going to explode. I'm a witch and a werewolf. I got my witch powers from my dad. Myles is my biological brother, and I'm going to have to start practicing magic. Everything in my life is changing. Not in a good way though, everything I've been used to, isn't what's really happening. My entire life has been a twisted story, and none of it has been true.
The next thing I saw was darkness. That's all I remembered.

I woke up a couple hours later, to the sound of beeping machines, people talking in the background, and just all together chaos. I had no clue where I was, or what I was doing here. I opened my eyes and I saw Naomi sitting next to me. I sat up on the bed and then I asked her "Naomi, what are you doing here? Where am I?" She smiled and then she responded with "you got into a car crash. Luckily, it wasn't bad. Just a mild concussion. You'll be home later tonight. As for me, I overheard the conversation between your mum and principal Colstone. That's how I found out about the accident. No one else knows, I figured I shouldn't tell anyone without your permission. I told everyone I was heading home for a couple days. I also know why you went home in the first place. That was also in the conversation." I took a deep breath and then I said "yeah. It's a different situation to deal with. Funnily enough, I have too much of a headache to even think about that right now. I'm going to give my mum the time of day to explain herself. After that, I'm going back to boarding school, and I'm staying there." Just then, my mum walked in. Naomi sensed the tension and then she said "imma go downstairs and get coffee." And then she walked out of my room.
My mum came and then she sat down and she asked "are you okay? I know the crash happened because you were distracted. I'm so sorry. You're just lucky that it wasn't any worse. Your car on the other hand, is completely wrecked." I looked at her annoyed and then I responded with "I'm fine. I just want to know why you lied to me for sixteen years. Don't tell me that it was about protection. I'm a big girl, I would've been able to take it." My mum nodded and then she said "I know, I'm not denying that. It really was for protection though. It was for my protection, you're all I have. I can't lose that. I know that was a risk, but if you want to know the truth, you should ask your father when you go back to school." I looked at her confused and then I asked "wait, you're letting me go back?" She nodded and then she replied with "yes, it's really clear that you're happy there. I'm not gonna take that away from you." I smiled and then I said "thank you. I appreciate that, but it still doesn't take away from what you did. You had no right to keep that a secret from me. I don't want to be here anymore, especially knowing that you lied to me for so long. I don't know if we can come back from this one. Right now, I think it's best if we keep our distance." My mum nodded and then she said "understandable. I'll give you your space. Remember, I'm always here if you need me." And then she walked out.

It was a bittersweet situation. I was glad I finally knew who my father was, but at the same time, I'm extremely annoyed that he completely abandoned me. I understand that he had another kid, but he didn't even text me. Not even once. All I ever wanted was to feel loved by him. I don't even feel close. He knew who I was when I walked into his office that day. He went through my files, knowing that I was his daughter, and he didn't say anything. My mum sent me to that school, knowing that my father was the principal, and she didn't say anything. Neither of them did. They just lied to me this entire time. My father is just as important as my mother. I don't think she understands how difficult it was, growing up without one wasn't easy. Even if I never met him, my mum could've at least told me who he was. She always kept the details so vague. I really wish she didn't. It's so overwhelming. Myles is my brother, my biological brother. I never thought I would have a sibling. My mum had cancer when I was ten years old. They removed her womb. She could never have anymore kids. Thank god, she already had me. I don't know how I'm supposed to tell him that, I don't know how I'm supposed to tell Harrison that, I don't know how I'm supposed to tell people that. It's a crazy scenario. It's definitely going to shake everyone. They're already going through so much, especially since Sapphire's death. I don't want to burden anyone with my problems, but people need to know this one.

Haven ( Book one ) Where stories live. Discover now