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We were on spring break. Whether we wanted to go home or not, was our choice. Naomi, Myles and I decided to stay in school. We managed to reverse the whole spell. We were currently watching the video right now.

Start of video

Jessica: "Saphy baby, you know I hate it when you smoke."
Sapphire: "I need to take the edge off. There's just a lot going through my head at the moment."
Jessica: "Tell me about it, I also have a lot to think about."
Sapphire: "are you thinking about how you're going to continue to bully a girl who did absolutely nothing to you?"
Jessica: "Saf, you can't be serious? This girl came out of nowhere, and suddenly she thinks that she owns the place. Not to mention, she's going after Harrison, that's unacceptable."
Sapphire: "you broke up with him. Also, I love Haven. She makes Harrison happy. He wasn't that happy with you. I don't want her to leave the school because of your pathetic bullying. I love you Jess, but family will always come first."
Jessica: "what the hell is wrong with you? You and Harrison aren't even that close. Why are you going above and beyond to protect him?
Sapphire: "he's still my blood. I'll choose him over anyone. Get over yourself."
Jessica: "vatos are morp."
*Jessica pushes Sapphire using a spell. Sapphire's head hits the edge of the dumpster and she falls to the ground.*
Jessica: "okay Sapphire, jokes over. Get up now. Saphy? Saphy? Saphy? Sapphire this isn't funny anymore, wake the hell up. Sapphire, I'm not asking you, I'm telling you, wake the fuck up. Saphy, please? SAPPHIRE!?"
*Jessica broke down on the floor*
Jessica: "diplo ex to ma, el tow for en."
*Jessica held her hands over Sapphire. She realised that there was nothing she could do.*
Jessica: Saphy, I'm so sorry. It was a joke. Sapphire, I was joking. You weren't supposed to die on me. You weren't supposed to leave me on my own. Saphy baby, I love you."
*Jessica heard a noise in the background. She looks around. She doesn't see anyone.*
Jessica: "invisque"
*Jessica went invisible.*

End of video

Naomi looked at Myles and I. We were in complete shock. I took a deep breath, and then I asked "what the hell do we do with this information? We can't turn this in to the police. Jessica used magic, if we turn this in, we're going to risk exposing all of us. What the hell do we do?" Myles looked at us, and then he responded with "first things first, we don't let anybody know that we have this information and we make copies of it. We can't lose this, and we definitely can't tell Jessica that we know yet. We need to watch her movement over the next couple weeks, when she comes back off of spring break, we're going to watch the way she acts, to see if she's going to show any sign of guilt. Once we see that, then we can tell her. Afterwards we're going to have to go to dad, and he's going to tell us what to do next." Naomi nodded, and then she said "Harrison also needs to know. Haven, you know that's it best if you tell him. I know it's a really hard job to put on you, but if there's anyone that's going to be able to get him through it, it's going to be you." I nodded, and then Myles replied by saying "not before Harrison tells Haven the truth. He's going to think that it was revenge, when it wasn't that at all. What Harrison did to Jess was terrible, but Jess would never go out of her way to try and hurt Harrison." I looked at them, and then I asked "are you talking about that big secret that everyone's keeping from me? Harrison did something to Jessica?" They nodded, and then Naomi responded by saying "Myles is right. Let him tell you the truth about what happened. It will break you, I'm not going to lie to you. You may even break up with him because of it. Harrison's leaving for spring break tomorrow, so I suggest that you get hopping." I nodded, and then I left the room.

I had just gotten to Harrison's dorm. He was vacuuming the room. He saw me walk in, so he turned off the vacuum, and he said "hey, I was gonna stop by yours later on. What's up?" I took a deep breath, and then I asked "what happened with you and Jess in sophomore year? Don't make up any bullshit excuses, I just want the truth." He looked at me and then he replied by saying "I have WAF. Which stands for werewolf anger fits. I have a tendency to to get extremely pissed off. I have an unbelievably short temper, and I'm angry, it's not pleasant. I was with Jessica's parents, they were completely insulting me. They were telling that I wasn't good for their daughter, and that they would try everything to break us up. I was already pissed off at Sapphire. So when they said that, it really just threw me off. I was completely enraged, by the way they were talking about me. I went into a WAF. My body was human, but my brain was in wolf mode. I attacked the first thing that I saw. I didn't realise until it was too late, I completely ripped Jessica's parents to shreds. I molested them. Jessica was in pieces, I was in pieces. I loved Jess with my whole heart, and I did the one thing that would actually hurt her. I don't think you understand the guilt that surrounds me. That's why Jess hated me so much, when you first came. It had only been three months. Everyone understood that it was an anger fit. But it didn't excuse the fact she I murdered two people, when Sapphire died, everyone thought it was me. Everyone thought that I went into a WAF, and that I'm the one that killed my cousin. I knew it wasn't me though, I don't think you understand how it felt to be blamed for something you didn't do." I looked at him annoyed and then I said "of course I know how it feels, I was literally arrested for her death, in front of literally everyone. At least it was only your friends that thought you did it. Authorities thought that I did it. I'm not even going to mention the Jessica thing, I have no words. When people say that you fucked her over, I assumed that you probably cheated on her. I didn't think that you slaughtered her parents. You keep digging yourself into holes that you can't climb out of, and then you expect me to throw you a ladder. I'm not always going to have a ladder to throw you. The day that I don't, is the day that you will die in that hole. Today is that day, I can't keep throwing you ladders. Harrison, you went too far. I originally came here to tell you that I have proof that Jessica killed Saphy, but now I'm starting to wonder whether she was returning the favour." Harrison looked at me, and then he asked "Jessica killed Saphy? It makes sense, she was always talking about how her death was probably an accident. I understand why she was saying that. Before you do anything, let me talk to her." I nodded, and then I said "Harry, I haven't even told her yet, I'm only telling you because Sapphire was your cousin. Please keep this a secret until further notice, Naomi, Myles and I have a plan. It won't work if Jessica catches on. About the other thing though, I don't know if I'm okay with it. It's not fair on Jess, she didn't deserve that. She's a bitch, but no one deserves to lose their parents that early on. Obviously, you're packing up for spring break, I'll leave you to that. I need time to process this, so I'll see you in two weeks." And then I walked out of his room.

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