Chapter 17- I lied to keep you from breaking my heart

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The sunny swayed in the sweet sea breeze. The locks of the cook gently whirled with the current drifting across him and the ship. By now the immense amounts of uncertainty swam in Sanji's blood 'what does he even think of me? Would it be worth saying anything at all?' Sanji kept asking himself. He dared to not turn around as he knew Zoro would be standing nearby. The thought of catching a glimpse of his face at this moment in time sent his body wobbly and his thoughts jumbled 'what if I gross him out? I mean,...I'm a guy plus I don't want to lose him as a friend if things go wrong' Sanji began doubting himself before he was even aware of it. The anxiety coursed through Sanji's veins.

"Is it...something I've done? Cause these past few weeks, you have been acting strangely with me and I can't imagine why..." Zoro implored. Again, Sanji felt his hot breath run down the back of his neck. The words he spoke singed his eardrums. Coughing back the frog in his throat, Sanji lowers his head with his hand that held his cigarette covering his face.

"W-w...well it's not that you have done anything in particular, it's just...I don't...I..." Stuttered the cook. Sanji was trying to find a way to voice his feelings but all he could do was think about Zoro and how he might react. The uncertainty built up within Sanji, replaying what could happen if he was to say that he liked Zoro.

Zoro stepped to the side of Sanji to try and look at his face. Sanji turns his head away "well why won't you look at me?" He asked calmly.

Zoro had become just as nervous but eager to know how the cook feels. All Zoro wanted to do was get intimate and closer. His desire for Sanji's affection sent the swordsman's heart backflipping behind his ribs. Even now Zoro still couldn't figure out what he was feeling or why he felt this way. All he knew was that Sanji was the culprit and as time went on it became harder to resist his impulses.

"I don't want to see your stupid face" Sanji blurted out. He didn't mean it, yet Sanji began growing the want to catch a glimpse of Zoro and tell him exactly how it is but...

Zoro unknowingly had leaned in nearer to Sanji, feeling his majestic blonde locks tickle his lips. 'Why is he so close?' Sanji questioned once more. Sensing Zoro's presence grow nearer, his hands curled up into fists. He couldn't help but stare at the surface of the sea, scared to look up and see Zoro staring back. It was then that Sanji felt like he was about to pass out by how tense the atmosphere had gotten. The question he threw out had him lost for words 'I can feel him standing behind me. His heat is scorching my back'

"Really?" Zoro again questioned Sanji, sniffing softly while inhaling the slight scent of cigarette smoke and cooked food. The scent drove Zoro wild and gagging for more. 'I can't control my body! It's acting on its own but...I just can't help myself' Zoro thought to himself. At first, he felt the same nervousness as Sanji did but now it turned into lust. He inched his body personally close to Sanji to the point where they were touching shoulders.

Sanji didn't know how to respond or how to think of an answer. His thoughts were so wrapped up in one another, it became impossible to talk fluently without swallowing his words. It was now when Sanji tried to back out of talking about his feelings so he rearranged his posture confidently and dragged on his cigarette "Looking at you annoys me so I'd rather say what I need to say like this-" Zoro cut Sanji off, nearing his hands closer to Sanji's.

"What is it that you wanna talk about that you can't say to my face?" This made Sanji blush even harder. His eyes were enlarged, looking out beyond the sea line with his heart bashing against his chest.

"T-There's no reason why I have to talk facing yo-" cut off again, Zoro uses his fingertip to stroke Sanji's hand causing him to jump in his skin. His throat tightened again.

"So why are you shaking then?" Zoro leant his head close to Sanji's neck and collarbone. Sanji's breaths had gotten heavy and sparse. Sweat was dripping down his back as he became defensive.

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