(MEGA) Chapter 18- Where is my mind?

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3 weeks have passed since the crew had left the island. Sanji had enough time to regain his strength and health so he had been making food non-stop, assembling meals for the crewmates while preparing more for the next day. It was the only commodity that distracted him enough to suppress the agonizing emotions he once felt. His heart couldn't take much more of not grasping the unknown. The way his strength is sucked out of him like a vampire rendered him numb.

Sanji didn't understand why things didn't come to a conclusion and so he began dwelling on what reason Zoro had to have embraced him that way. Whether it felt delightful or not, it still didn't answer the problems Sanji carried with him.

Every night since that day, Sanji couldn't stop fantasising about how good Zoro's hands felt upon his skin. The way their fingers interlocked like it was meant to be. The traces of Zoro's hold on his body sent him wild beyond compare. Even in Sanji's dreams, does he have illusions of what could have occurred if Luffy hadn't interrupted. Now it got to the point where Sanji was irritated by just being near Zoro, not just with the way things stand but with himself for not speaking out the words he needed to say. For all he knows, Zoro may have just missed him from when he nearly lost his life. A hug is a hug, yet...it didn't seem that way to Sanji, at least.

Now and again, the pair would pass each other, but nothing had been taken further from the actions of that day. As Robin explained before, they probably didn't understand why they felt this way or what they were feeling anyway. Even so, the best thing would be to just come clean and see what outcome awaits. But neither is willing to budge out of pure stubbornness.

The night sky peeked from behind the curtains of clouds that enveloped its cotton-like body around the moon as if it were an angelic robe. In the kitchen laid Sanji, Tossing and turning his head while sweating and breathing heavily. Slight moans slipped through his lips now and then. His hands had suddenly gripped into fists, and as if he was electrocuted, Sanji shot up in his seat, woken up by another one of his erotic dreams. "Wai-!...eh?" Sanji yelled out in confusion. The dream had collapsed as Sanji woke up to reality. As if annoyed, Sanji placed his head back onto his arms, whining incoherent words.

Within the fantasy, Zoro was placing delicate kisses upon Sanji's collarbone, trailing down his chest. Sanji was completely powerless against the swordsman. His body was numb like he was paralyzed from the neck down. His heart was about to explode out of his chest from how hard it raced. Before Zoro had leaned in for a passionate kiss, Sanji had woken up wet and panting.

His vision was blurry and fuzzy until he rubbed his eyes and looked up. He was sat in the chair at the table with his head resting on his hands. A blue cotton sheet fell off his shoulders, landing on the ground. Sanji turned around hearing this and saw the quilt 'who put this on me?' He asked himself. Yawning and getting up out of the chair, Sanji notices a specific something out of place. Feeling the sweat drip off his nose glancing down he noticed that he'd pitched a tent in his black shorts and, in a panic, rushed to the closest bathroom.

Closing the door behind him gently with a click, Sanji switched on the shower cold and, without hesitation, jumped in with his white shirt and shorts still on. Resting his palms against the wall, Sanji let the cold water run down his neck and onto his back "again? why of all things and places it had to be in the damn kitchen....shit!" Sanji cursed sluggishly. He banged his hand softly against the ceramic wall in frustration.

Soon, the shower woke him up and calmed him down enough to relax his shaking body. Letting out a defeated sigh, Sanji raised his head and straightened himself before turning off the shower. "I can't take this anymore..." He murmured under his breath.

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