chapter 12- It's Time

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Hiya guys, here's your long awaited chapter. please enjoy ^¬^


This story is based on the anime (One piece) it's not mine, therefore, I do not own it 👍🏼

WARNING!!: spoilers may be shown in this story as there's information about some characters that some people may not know about, if you haven't watched ONE PIECE from SO16 onwards I'm suggesting you not read this story unless you want to spoil the plotline of ONE PIECE.

Don't say I didn't warn you 😁


Within time, it was the middle of midnight. The fight continued for another 1 hour before finally all that was left was scattered bodies.

The mistress escaped from Usopp's attack and had burnt marks on everyone in the straw hat crew apart from the others that were miles away.

Following the orders given by Chopper, they all risk their lives to avenge Sanji.

Zoro kept going even though he was badly burnt. He didn't stop. He couldn't from the rage he felt. He didn't understand why he was so enraged. He never asked himself and instead kept going. But She blocked most of the attacks that came.

"The lovely emotion of anger sure sways away your focus. Are you sure you want to win?" the mistress mocked. This only angered Zoro and the others more.

"shut your damn trap you bitch!" Nami yells shaking on her legs. The sudden blow from before drained her strength to which she began quivering in her steps. Panting hard she was stopped from moving by Luffy who had his left arm out in front of her chest. She looks to Luffy who had his straw hat covering his eyes.

"She is right Nami. All we have done so far is pressed our anger on her. We haven't strategically worked together, have we? Well... Let's" Luffy says with a grin. Nami smiles and stands up straight. Holding her weapon she sways her staff around towards the sky. Using her rain she uses it to drench the mistress.

She laughs maniacally. "is this your plan of attack? You fo-" cutting her words off Luffy lands a direct hit to her face.

The rain must have washed the acidic layer off her skin. Still, It gave Luffy the chance to hit her sending her flying into the nearest Wall. She slumped down grunting. Using her arms she pushes herself back up swatting the rocks off of her. While Wiping the blood away she wasn't given a chance to react before Zoro slices her tail off.

She lets out an eerie screech. Seconds go by before more of her companions come from the clearing. Instead of the normal snake guards, there were two big snakes. One pink and one blue. From the height of up to 2 double-decker buses and as long as a train.

From the clearing, they heard footsteps. They stand back to back prepared for the unexpected. Out came Brook and Frank. Panting they appear.

"man I'm out of breath... Oh yeah-" Brook continues "I don't have lungs" some of the guy's sweat drop from the unnecessary idiocy.

Franky, holding up his arm to shoot a cannon, takes out some of the snakes. Luffy attacked the pink snake. Zoro attacked the blue one. Nami took out some snake guards while Robin helped beside her. Usopp was taking out some snakes that come from behind Brook then stepped in for Zoro which then gave Zoro the chance to finish the mistress off. Aiming for her head he was stopped by a wave of snakes. Surrounding his body he slices them off with ease.

But more kept coming one after another stopping Zoro from getting closer to Maridale. It seemed at first that it wouldn't end. Not getting inches closer he is stopped each time he gets rid of a layer of them.

"Where's Chopper and Sanji?" Robin asks.

"Are they in the sunny?" Nami pops in. Frankly replies with a nod. It was only moments ago that Brook and Franky joined the fight. As Chopper had expected, they got back to the ship swiftly without trouble.

With Chopper and Sanji

"Don't you dare die on us!" Chopper yells in a panic, rubbing in solutions to Sanji's skin. Hoping and praying they would work, he finishes by wrapping him up in bandages. He then wipes Sanji's forehead as well as placing a cold flannel on it. Keeping a bowl of fresh water next to him, Chopper lowered his head listening intently to the quietness.

Sanji's breathing was shallow and silent. It was almost like he was asleep apart from the fact he kept a frown on his face as if he was in pain.

Chopper was clueless for the first time since he joined the crew. In the end, he couldn't do anything but cry beside Sanji. Helpless, he's reminded of the battle his other fellow friends are currently in.

Chopper then had to fight off the thought of leaving to finish her off himself in anger but, he can't leave Sanji, Not on his own.

Punching the floor with his little hoofs he growls out "godamnit!" he lifts his head to cry out silently. He mutters his words "please...don't... Don't die..., SANJI!~". throwing his bag in front of him he grabs out all of his medicines and began concocting an anti-venom.

With the rest of the crew

Using his haki, Luffy knocks out all of the excess snakes and can go all out on the monstrous animal ahead. Taking a run-up he enlarges his hand while using Haki and Jumped in the air landing a sucker punch to the animal's face.

"Gomu Gomu no~ gigantic pistol!" The punch landed, but the force of the punch was somehow taken away. Confused Luffy jumps back to see what the cause of it was. Looking to his left he saw the mistresses hands lifted as if to intertwine her fingers together. It was then when he knew the fight was getting more serious than he'd anticipated.

A big gust of wind blew most of the crew backward as the surrounding area then began filling with mist. It was then that the crewmates were somehow separated. Luffy looks around for his friends to find himself alone, only he wasn't alone, he was stood face to face with the snake demon herself. Instead of seeing her half-human half-snake form, Luffy felt the deadly aura surrounding a normal-looking woman.

But this seemingly docile woman had shown her true colors. Luffy looked closer and within moments was slapped back by a tremendous force.

"Wha?!-" without warning, Luffy flew into a tree breaking it in half by how much force there was behind the invisible attack. Luffy groaned in pain as falls to the floor. He tries pushing himself back up using his forearm.

Lifting his head he used his eyes to scan the area to try and predict the incoming attack. He listened intently to the sounds. Closing his eyes he breathes out deeply.


To the left, he hears the faint sound of a twig breaking. Upon opening his eyes Luffy jumps swiftly to the left as her attack came moments later after shifting himself. It falls silent once again.

'What the hell is going o-' cut mid-thought he's hit in the face and sent flying once again. He does a backflip and tries landing on the broken ground to prevent hurting himself more. Luffy falls back a bit before getting hit again in the stomach.

Coughing up the last bit of air, Luffy flies towards a crowd of trees and disappears further into the mist.

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