Chapter 8- Letting it all go

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This story is based on the anime (One piece) it's not mine therefore I do not own it 👍🏼

WARNING!!: spoilers may be shown in this story as there's information about some characters that some people may not know about, if you haven't watched ONE PIECE from SO16 onwards I'm suggesting you not read this story unless you want to spoil the plotline of ONE PIECE.

Don't say I didn't warn you 😁


Chopper lifted himself off the ground and waddled over to stand next to Sanji. Sanji looked at Chopper and it was then when Sanji saw how injured he was. "Are you sure you're still okay to fight?" Sanji panted out as he was just running. Chopper looked Sanji's way and searched him up and down. His eyes widened.

"There's no use worrying about me! It's you that's the most hurt here, look at your arms and torso!" Chopper shows Sanji his cuts and bruised wounds. Sanji looked at himself. He smirks while smiling at the same time.

"Chopper, I'll be fine, I was just caught up in something, and Zoro...well..." Sanji looked up with a smile Chopper hadn't ever seen before "he came to give me a hand..." Sanji softly said to Chopper. His facial expression said it all. Chopper just smiled and quickly put his focus on the enemy which Sanji did as well. The boar was just shaken as he knew who the cook was. The hint is in the name of why he was scared of Sanji.

"So you think you can hurt my friend, hmm?" Sanji asked him. He took a step forward to which the boar took a step back.

"No- I, erm" the boar began. He was stammering as he was looking for a way out of the situation. There were two ways that he could handle this. he could either run and face the wrath of his mistress or fight them both and do her proud. The choices froze him in place

The boar looked left to right and instantly he turned around. Sanji was already onto what he was doing and ran like light to stand in front of the little guy. The expression he thought Sanji had on his face scared him shitless. His eyes were glowing with an evil smile. He was holding utensils in each hand as if he was going to eat him.

Chopper stood behind the mammal to trap him so he wouldn't do another runner. They both stood, towering over him intimidatingly.

With Luffy

Panting and catching their breath. The two brothers were finally chased away back to their cave. Luffy had given the last hit to the gut that won him the fight. Luffy held his knees gasping for air. Nami and Robin were stood behind him in a triangle formation. I guess they helped each other out as the three were sweating rivers.

"I think that might be the last of them. We need to find Zoro, Chopper and Sanji and get the hell off this island before we lose our heads. All this for meat..." Drooling from imagining the big slab of meat that's waiting for them back at the ship, Luffy stretched his back and wiped his mouth.

"I don't think this is the time to be thinking about food Luffy...for some reason, this place is giving me the creeps and that's not because of them two idiots," Nami complained while pointing to where the henchmen had disappeared to.

Even though they thought the fight was over, they still had that gut feeling that there were more coming. Luffy flicked out the small snail phone and quickly rang Brook. In seconds Brook picked it up.

"Hello, Luffy, what's the hold-up?" He asked. Luffy stood up straight.

"We may need an extra hand. We have just defeated two henchmen who were half snakes, half-humans. Zoro had run off to find Sanji and we don't know their circumstances at the moment. We are okay as we are but I have a feeling Chopper, Zoro and Sanji need help " Luffy ordered his crewmate. Brook nodded and began walking.

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