Chapter 13- An unexpected turn of events

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With Chopper and Sanji

The flow of the waters shifted the boat with a sway. The therapeutic sounds of the sea itself made everything seem like it was an ordinary day.

Unfortunately, it wasn't one of those laidback days of laughter and feasting. An attack unbeknownst to the crew was approaching. All that Chopper could think about was how to keep Sanji alive. The haste within his breath made Chopper anxious to the extent where hopeless tears fell down his eyes.

"I'm sorry Sanji, I don't know how long the guys will take. I don't know how to help you more. All I can do..." Chopper hesitated " wait" wiping away the endless streams of tears, Chopper places his head against Sanji's shoulder.

Sanji's mind

'Why can't I move? Where am I? What the hell happened?' As Sanji lay in deep slumber all he could do was think. The need to open his eyes felt inhumane. The need to move his body began to feel unbearable. His want to see Zoro again ached in his heart.

'What about the others?' Pondered Sanji. He wasn't able to help Zoro when he was freed from the snake woman's clutch. Had he been stronger and strong-willed he could have found a different way out of that predicament. The last thing Sanji remembers was falling to the ground after being told an army was amongst them.

After all the effort Sanji had made to tell the others about what the island was, he further spread the poison taking most of the strength he had. Within those seconds only then did he realise he'd done more damage to himself by running. Instead, he should have thought about a different solution in getting out of that situation. But instead, his emotions got the better of him.

Sanji then thought to himself 'if I hadn't tried to get out of those bounds my body wouldn't have taken this much damage. The octopus monster was one thing but now this?. Why me?...why didn't I think smarter?' All these questions flooded his mind...


'Why was I screaming Zoro's name? Why is Zoro the only person I think of? Why is his face the only thing I see when I lose hope?!...why-?...' it was then that Sanji lost his train of thought. He could feel a sensation tingling up his arms.

Then the pain of how deep the cuts were became hot. It was almost as if he was in sleep paralysis Sanji grunted and tried to open his eye.

As he opened his eyes slowly all he saw was a brown blur until he noticed a familiar body structure. Those that belonged to Chopper. There were three of him, then two that finally come together as one. The pounding sensation in his body felt like the claws of some monster that ripped his chest open.

"Ch...." Sanji uttered faintly. Chopper lifted his head and went over to Sanji's aid.

"Oh my god!... Sanji? are you okay?" Chopper spoke before grabbing his tiny torch to shine into his eyes. The colour of Sanji's eyes was no longer brown but turned black instead.

This shocked Chopper. Without wasting time, Chopper conducted another solution to rub on his wounds. How his eyes had turned bloodshot red made Chopper worry more. He scrambles to replace Sanji's bandages after noticing the blood seeping through.

"Sanji...what did she do to you?..." Chopper said heartbroken by the cuts and puncture wounds that marked Sanji's skin.

"T...this...woman..." He quietly spoke. His breath was hazy and his throat rough like sandpaper "Sn...snake" Chopper swiftly looked in the medical book that sat in his bag next to him as Gorons words burned his ears.

"That's right! I just need to make an anti-venom to counteract this." Just please don't die on me before I figure this out" Chopper, getting emotional, lowered his head. Then a hand gently lifted his face back up. With one of his eyes covered by his hair, Sanji gave Chopper a faint confident smile. Feeling his spirits lifted, he went straight to work.

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