chapter 74

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Hey guys.

So I'll write the list of songs that goes along with Rosabella's feelings in this chapter.

* hurts like hell -> Fleurie.
*i love you -> Billie Eillish
* No time to die -> Billie Eillish

~ Was i stupid to love you?
Was i reckless to help?
Was it the obvious to every body else
That I've fallen for a lie ? ~

Her dress. 👇🏻

A double update to say sorry for late update 💗

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A double update to say sorry for late update 💗

Now enjoy the ride.


It has been a week since my mother and my Ante.. Sonia , and Emma and max are here. i can't say that I'm all normal and fine, I just can be me again with Sonia and mother, they really did hurt me this time.

I've been going out nonstop with our friends and Williams showed emma and max great things here in Seattle, he really made them so happy which made me so happy. They were supposed to be gone by now but since they are all free and well, I'm a new mummy now, they wanted to stay to make sure I'm healthy enough.

If you're wondering how are things between me, mother and Sonia, well technically no one would notice that there is a change in my behavior, yet they know, mother and Sonia are well aware that I'm not my natural self with them. It's not that I'm a bad person with a black heart who cannot forgive, I just... lying isn't a thing I tolerate so I really can't help but be upset and take my distance.

I talk with them normally and we are fine, yet I'm distant and a little bit cold.

"flower, come on my love it's taking you forever!!" Williams has been calling me for the last fifteen minutes and he's starting to get on my nerves.

Did I mention how emotional I've been with the whole pregnancy thing, it's fucking up my hormones!

I'm currently finishing up my dress to go have dinner at Williams parents place.

Joe wanted to celebrate this rare gathering calling it " the reunion" and he invited just the closest people, my parents and his family, also the Silvio brothers and their father for the first time.

Also Williams said that we will announce there to the rest who don't know my pregnancy.

So I'm wearing now a nude pink tight silk tight dress, it's tall to the floor with a mermaid style, it's a dipped heart shape showing cleavage and the straps are hanging loosely off shoulder.

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