chapter 70

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Hi babies ,
So as i promised y'all last time , today's chapter is in
Williams POV  , i wanted you to see this scene from his perspective too so that you can imagine what is happening exactly and how is the environment through all of that .

I'll leave you to it then .

(Williams POV ):~

"what the actual fuck happened here ?" I said with deadly voice glaring at my three Audi crushed cars , the cars are absolutely ruined , the front and back glass of each car is crushed and shattered on the ground into million pieces and the wheels are torn with what look like knifes and the car metal is beaten by what I can tell a metal baseball bate .

Who the fuck would have the balls to do that to my own cars which are parked into my own night club's garage knowing exactly that they're mine!

This shit is not something random people do occasionally , at least not to my fucking cars!!

I was up there with rose and the guys when I got a phone call from Mike the manager of the club we haired last month saying that it's urgent and that i should come down the garage , so I went and signed for Andrew to follow , we're in everything together.

And the scene before my eyes angered me so fucking much.

"when the fuck did this happen ?" I shouted turning to my men who are standing in front of me shaking like some fucking pussies

No one dared to speak up to me

"go bring me the footage of the cameras in the garage " Andrew shouted at the couple of guards standing around us , the one who were supposed to be fucking aware when this shit was going on , quickly fin took ahold of Mike pulling him to the surveillance room .

"M-Mr brown the music was so loud and we didn't hear anything " poul the head of the security team had the nerve to speak

"well guess what I don't give a fuck , you were supposed to be fucking here , that's what I pay you to fucking do " I shouted with a deathly glare

"I haired 25 fucking security guy with your sorry ass 26 so at least four of you should have been here "I spoke to him with so much venom and he looks as if he peed his pants.

I kept walking back and forth with my hands rubbing my face

It's not the time at all for this shit !

I grabbed my phone and called Amanda my personal assistant.

"Amanda , send three new cars to my location immediately " I ended the call without even hearing what she has to say back .

I'm way too angry that some fuckers managed to sneak into my club and smash my three fucking cars and my silly excuse of a security team didn't  do any fuck .

That cars is no problem I can buy whatever cars I like but the problems lies here.

I have 26 fucking security guy all over the place and if we are to include my personal bodyguards and drivers crew then you have the total of 32 fucking guy who are supposed to always be alarmed and focused and yet I'm standing now in my own garage staring like a fool at my crushed cars .

My mind drift back to Rosabella and what she might be doing now , it has been almost half an hour if not more but I'm not worries I mean she's surrounded with the most trustful people in my life ,well not all of them though , I have a really bad feeling towards eivan and I'm digging behind him cause I'm not having any good feelings at all .

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