chapter 53

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Hey guys

First of Happy New year 🎉🎄🎊

Second of I'm so sorry ik that it took me lots to update but I was pretty busy in Christmas 🎄 and the whole family gatherings and New year's Eve and stuff uk ,so I couldn't update until today , oh and Merry late Christmas 🎄😂 Also I have a sorry gift well it's more of a new year sorry gift 😂 , hope y'all gonna like it .

So how was ur Christmas ? How y'all been doing ?

So this chapter actually made me cry cause it remembered me of losing a really really close one to my heart and sorry to make you feel like this guys But I hope you'll feel what I was feeling while writing cause I've never meant a chapter or wrote a chapter with this passion and honesty as this chapter . I was basically a crying , laughing and frowning mess 😂 yeah .

The song up there ☝ goes too well with the chapter and what Williams is feeling .and I honestly love that song it's
can you hold me by NF

That's Isaac up there ☝too .

Hope y'all have a nice time reading .
And may the new year be a happy blissful year upon you all .

' the new year stands before us , like a chapter in a book , waiting to be written . We can help write that story by setting goals '

- Melody Beattie


" That day .. Isaac's death day , i was twenty by then and Isaac had just turned eighteen , it was their collage welcoming party , you can imagine the alcohol , music even drugs was a fucked up party ..." he then took a deep breath and i knew better not to speak , he's opening up to me and obviously telling me something so sensitive and deep , he doesn't even look as if he's here with me , it's as if his mind is back there , drifted four years ago .

"i was fucked up.....i used to get waisted till i couldn't stand , like they used to say i was the king of every party despite that i always managed to get myself under control but this time i couldn't , i drank so much...too much . even Isaac did , avlon told me not to drive in this state b-but i..i refused because Isaac drank too much and was knocked out , i got worried so i had to take him back home ASAP " his voice is broken and weak , he's looking at the grave with dull empty broken eyes and it broke my heart how weak and broken he sounds and looks .

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