chapter 10

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Hey hey hey

How y'all doin newbies

Enjoy 😉

Cara stopped right in front of me and eyed me from head to toe like I'm some kind of a scum , if I wasn't in the company and in front of Loren and Tom I swear to God that she would've been leaving with her eye balls in her hands

No one messes with Rosabella .

" sorry about your arm barbie " she said with disgust then she turned and walked past us not even waiting for my answer and just before she's about to get in the lift she turned to me and gave me that look that says that she will have her revenge from me . Which didn't scare me but made me feel that I might face problems in the future because of her .

tom took a grip of my arm softly but I can tell that he's beyond angry , he looked at the new tattoo she just gave me and his face twisted and turned cold .

He's mad .

" what the fuck ?" he said in a high voice making some heads turn to us

" it's okay tom , i'm fine ?" i lied softly .

" who the fuck she thinks herself ? and this brown guy can't control his wild cat " he shouted and I'm well aware that he's talking about the CEO of this company he's in right now but I'm not sure if he's aware of that .

At the hear of his voice cara stopped in her track and turned around to look at him with the same disgusting look she gave me before getting in the elevator

" what is her fucking problem ? " he said returning to me

" ... let's just go and i'm fine tom " i told him closing my eyes . I'm tiered

What Happened worn me out mentally and physically.

" c'mon you have to see a doctor " he said and starts leading me to the other elevator .

" no i don't want to , i'm fine tom i said " i told him a little bit annoyed and I know that he's only trying to help me because he's worried and I'm being a bi*** by taking it out on him but I'm just really mad and ....
Hurt and a lot of things all together .

loren is just watching and recording with her ears and eyes


we entered the lift and I turned and pressed my floor and just when the door of the lift starts closing , my eyes cought a glimpse of a concerning mr williams standing at the door of his office watching us but as i look again ...... he's gone

Holly !! I'm not just thinking about him... I'm imagining things too , well , shit .

I turned and behind us in the lift is a body length mirror , I stared at Tom's and my reflection , wow i'm nothing beside him , he turned too and looked at us .

"look at that !!" he said smirking as he saw our hights and surprisingly i'm shorter than him like really short beside him

" i know right " i said .looking at tom's body but there is this little difference other that the height , tom is muscular and his shoulders are bold as twice as mine he has a beautiful yet very attractive body his tee is a bit tight making his abs obvious , but me on the other hand i'm not short i'm 1.78 which is good i think but beside him i'm like 1.52 or something like this , i have a curvy body and a good behind but my breasts to be honest i have them in their natural sizes max used to tell me that my behind is the hottest ass he had ever seen but i always thought that he was just joking .

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