chapter 66

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Hey guys
Ik it has been a lot but I've been so busy lately but i promise to make it up to you guys those next coming chapters are going to have a lot of answers to a lot questions you have guys , promise ♥️

The song  up there👆 gives away Williams and Rosabella's love for this chapter it's :
Get you the moon by kinà 💗🍃
Also sonia is going to be up there 👆 too , sonia is 45 while andry is 46

The song  up there👆 gives away Williams and Rosabella's love for this chapter it's : Get you the moon by kinà 💗🍃 Also sonia is going to be up there 👆 too , sonia is 45 while andry is 46

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Here a pic of our beauty ♥️.

Enjoy babies

"no it's not par favora no..." i tried with Travis who has been trying to speak Italian for the past fifteen minutes but he's failing badly and it's making me laugh so hard

"it's par favoraa signorita " he said with a totally wrong accent and it made me laugh harder

"no... signorita is Spanish it's signorina in Italian and per favore there is no A letter in the end " i told him between laughs , he's laughing too

"you know what fuck it ! Please my lady " he said and i laugh because he finally gave up after fifteen minutes of absolute torcher

"it's not that hard you know...I've always thought that Italian and Spanish accents sound sexy " elli said and travis nodded in agreement

"tots " he agreed

"did you just say tots ?" elli remarked raising an eyebrow and we both laugh while he huffed

"i hate you girls " he said joking and folding his arms across his chest like a baby

Right now Travis , Elli and me are sitting on the sofa and chatting , Williams was sitting by my side but he had to take a business call so he stood and left fifteen minutes ago that's when Travis came and sat beside me , when williams got back eric started talking with him so basically we are sitting in groups , opposite us is lizy and Gloria talking then beside them Eric and Williams and blue are talking and then it's me trav and elli ,

williams eyes didn't leave me for ones i even noticed how they darken whenever travis would touch me and yes in a friendly way but still williams jealousy monster is blind and I guess by now you all know that .

"oh no babmino don't be mad " i told travis joking and he shook his head .

"look at that crying baby in an adult body " elli told me and we both laugh

" ask every girl I've been with and she'll tell you how much of an adult i am " he said proudly and we laughed

"so tell me rose , why haven't you went to Italy even though you're Italian ?" travis asked me , we talked a lot. after lunch was served we all entered the mansion and started talking in different groups then we'd all share a common topic and discuss and at the moment it's just the three of us, i told them that I'm Italian and trav told me that he loves Italy elli agreed too but they were surprised when i told them that i wish to go there one day.

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