chapter 48

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Hi there guys , how y'all been doing?
So who's excited for Christmas and santa ?
Can I rise my hand here 😀😍

I quite love this chapter you guys , I think it's a bit funny and contains the spirit of Christmas and no it's not about Christmas but when I was writing i could feel the feeling of gathering with the ones you love and happy moments and the laughter coming straight from the heart that's why I'm telling you that I feel the warmth of Christmas and it's quite more obvious in the upcoming chapter more not this one , I just wanted you to know how I felt while writing .

Or I'm just super excited for Christmas that's why 😂😂

The dress rose is wearing is up there ☝

Okay so I'll leave you to it .

Have fun babes 😍



i'm sorry rosabella " eric told me after a while of driving in complete silence , he gave me all the time i need to calm down and he even let me cry my heart out till no more tears were left so i was forced to stop crying and for that i'm thankful for him .

" it's okay , it's not your fault " i whispered half smiling out of politeness .

" you know that williams loves you , right?" He stated with raised eyebrow and i wanted nothing at the moment but to laugh

williams love me , yeah right . Please do notice the sarcasm .

i'm not so sure at the moment if he really does or if he even likes me that much

For the love of God !! I told him that I love him and he DID NOT FREAKING REACT . This is way worst for me than him saying that he's not there yet , that he likes me so much but doesn't know yet if he reached the level of loving me but instead he just stood there like a freaking statue !!

"right " i said sarcastically with no humor

"no rose i'm not kidding this is a fact , a blind person can see .. it he's my younger brother i know him rosabella like the palm of my hand , the fact that he wants you to meet mum says it all even if I didn't know anything about both of you " he said
Told me tightening his grip on the driving wheel till his knuckels turned yellow and he looks like he means every word he's saying .

"why ? didn't cara his ex met your mother ?" i ask him frowning , i mean she was his girlfriend and I don't believe the fact that he never introduced her even after what blue said.

"no , not even ones . going to our house means a lot to williams , home to him carries way much more than the place that he was raised in , no but it's most about the memories , bad ones before good , the toughest then the easiest " he explained further and I actually wanna hear every bit of what Eric is saying , I wanna know more about Williams and if he's not gonna tell me at least I can appreciate his siblings telling me some .

"i can see crystal clear in his eyes how much he loves you and maybe the idea scares him , he's not the same williams as he used to be , but now i can finally say that my brother is back from his long as fuck journey and it's because of you rose and for that i'm really thankful , don't give up on him rose " his words leaves me completely speechless

His brother is finally back from a long trip !! What happened to you Williams ! Blue then Eric .. both are hinting to something that has a thing to do with Williams and I think it's something happened with him in the past that changed him completely , but what it might be ??

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