chapter 60

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Hey there guys
So are you ready for this chapter!!
Let's all see what happened ofter Williams dropped the pomp .
Warning ⚠️ this chapter contains sexual stuff , not the real deal but close enough 😉
The song up there 👆 is really important to play at the beginning of the steamy scene because well it give away a sexy mood , it's not afraid anymore by halsey .....

Enjoy 😉

you know the feeling of being stroked suddenly , it's when your brain shuts down completely and you cannot think nor act ....

My mind only heard one sentence then stopped and the sentence kept jumping up and down inside my head

Marry me Rosabella, he said.

he- oh my god

he proposed and asked me to actually marry him

i can hear my deep and fast heart beats , every beat takes my breath away , my eyes water and i started coughing so vigorously it's a reflex action because I couldn't swallow my saliva and breath at the same time.

Yeah that much .

He immediately pulled back looking concerned.

"What happened? Here " eric said out of nowhere handling him a glass of water , i took the water from williams and drink.

When did eric come?

our eyes didn't break contact for a moment , his are staring so intensely into mine .. Searching for an answer , the answer i know that i have , the answer that'll change everything.

my heart is beating too fast for my own good and i can't breathe , i handled him back the water and he placed it on the glass table still staring into my eyes

"williams ? " i whispered asking him with my eyes whether he was kidding or not

you know when you hear something but then you doubt it and say that maybe you were just imagining things ..i'm having this moment of disbelieve and doubt right now.

"dad told us " eric cuts in smiling widely oblivion to what's going on between me and Williams

i'm still trying to concentrate on what's going on around me but it's just so hard with the pomp willaims just dropped on my head.

How can a very small statement holds so much words and meanings.

you know when you have this dream but you just keep telling yourself that it'll never be true because some dreams are just dreams and then someday you see them happen ??

well imagine it with the love of your life

I'm smiling now and everything inside of me is screaming yes .

He's nervous and it's so obvious and it's first time to ever see williams this nervous and trying to search for any answer in my eyes and I guess he received his answer because his shoulders relaxed a bit and he half smiled a known one.

"here mum don't made her cry guys...uh oh ! you too big guy ..what the hell is that ?" eric joked as he hugged lizy i turned to her and she's drying her tears while smiling

"i'm just happy looking at two made me smooch my make up " she joked and eric laughs ,williams just smiled as if he's not even here with us and still staring at me and i couldn't tear my eyes away from him too

if i was in love with him before now i adore him , if that can even describe how i feel for him , my heart is now forbidden for any other man just williams..only him and i meant it when i said that only him have the complete power to ruin me for any other man, just the thought of him being my husband made chills roll all the way down my spine and my heart jumped suddenly high in my chest at the mention of world husband.

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