Chapter 5 Getting her back

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When she woke up immediately she saw that her ankle was chained to a bed and saw a window on the other side of the room the bed was warm and had a few books on the shelf. The door was closed but it suddenly open with a few people coming in, "well hello there sleepy head did you have a good nap?" A Chinese man with purple hair and glasses said with annoying voice. She said nothing to him refusing to talk to anyone who asked questions, "well you sure are quiet may we ask how old are you," the one that looked like a vampire asked her but refused to speak either way.

"What happened to you when you were with your parents?" The blue hair girl asked but nothing.

"Alright just talk we don't have all day for you to play this game," her twin said a bit irritated by her game but still refuse to talk.

"She won't talk since you two did force her to come and sleep for almost a day I don't blame her I would do the same thing," the one who was named Kanda said to the them.

'I want to leave I need to be by Euphy but how do I escape here if I don't know where I am,' Kallen thought but remember her sister worried by now.

"Please we mean no harm at all we just want to help you and reunite you with your brother and cousin," the green hair girl told her but that didn't mean anything to her at all.

"What brother? My twin left me alone to have a better life unlike me he will never be my brother until he dies like my former parents" She said in boredom not being able to be with her sister and friends.

"And she speaks finally!" The Chinese man says.


"Please listen to what we have to say-" the blonde says

"Let me go I have to get back to Euphy and the others or else they'll be worried!" She yelled a she hanged her head as if sadden enough.

"Listen we want to be friends with you and get to know you better okay," Lenalee said to her to calm her down a bit.

"Let us introduced ourselves I'm Allen this Kanda and Lenalee, over there is Lavi, Komui and Krory and these two over here is Kai and Kikyo." Allen said to her but she refuse to look at him still.

As something landed on the bed in front of her and she remembered it from the time the ark was collapsing. "And that's Timcanpy he's a golem," a golden bird with a cross on it face and the tail that swirl on its tail jump happily in front of her.

"It's you I thought you were in trouble when I couldn't find you I'm glad your safe," she smiled at Timcanpy knowing that he's safe.

"Tim you know her?" Allen said and he nodded to him but landed on her head.

"Well if Tim trust you that means your not dangerous at all," Lavi said but she refused to look or speak with them.

"Well it's seems she refusing to speak again," Komui said disappointed with their lost progress.

"Hey how about we get some food for her maybe she's hungry?" Lenalee said in a cheerful voice.

When they heard metal snap they saw the chain was unlock from her ankle as she got up from the bed and walk to the window looking outside to see where she was. 'Not much help either but it sure looks creepy. Almost like a haunted house, and I want to go home but no I get captured by these idiots.' Kallen thought as she looked outside sad that she's trapped here no way to go back home for the time being. Timcanpy landed in front of her and began to dance like it asked her to play music and she knew what it meant by his movement. "I wish I could little guy but I can't do it without my instrument," she said as she saw the full moon rise up. She saw something coming fast and she got out of they way with Timcanpy and the thing that landed was her father in his akuma form when the Earl turn him to one he saw her but was treated like a slave the way he did to her. Haiji and Euphy were on top of her mother akuma but jumped off to enter the room and as soon as Euphy saw her she jumped into her arms, "big sister!" She yelled happy to see her again.

"Hah I told you if we find Kai we find Kallen," her father told her mother but with a flick of hand she sent them flying to the wall. "Even when they died they still thought of him to their last dieing breath. Maybe I should send both your soul to self destruct that way I won't have to deal with you two," Kallen said as she hold Euphy close to her.

"Maybe later Kallen shall we go now I have the gate open for us to go," Haiji said amused by the akuma fate to be and summoned a door to enter in once he open it the two akuma ran into it getting a head start to escape their bosses anger and soon Euphy and Kallen entered they turn around, "next time we meet I'll make sure you all pay for what you have done," Kallen said as she turn around Euphy waved good bye to them and Haiji jumped in and closed the gate for them not to follow. "Thanks Haiji I owe you a week worth of of candy this time," Kallen said as he jumped happy.

As for the others in the room they lost their chances to get her to answers they were looking for after looking for a plan they thought for hours was long gone now. "Great now we have to find another way to get her this going to be harder then I thought." Kikyo said out loud tired to think of a plan now. Timcanpy however started flying out like he was guiding them somewhere, "hey Tim where are you going?!" Allen yelled to see his little buddy fly as he went somewhere he and Kanda decided to follow him and Krory and Lavi would go too for extra help.

Once they got their they stop at a pond filled with louts flowers from white to pink and plum blossom tree near it. "Well what do we have here? This guy is always with Allen I wonder if he's here right now?" Haiji said as he turned the corner and saw that he was correct about his theory. "Haiji come on hew have to get back we have to go back home now," Tres said as he opens the door of the ark and goes through it. Haiji just stood up and went in to the ark before he enter he turn around, "I won't let you guys take my best friend and my little sister away. If you ever try to get near her I'll make sure you have the worst way to die," he turn around and the ark's door closed behind him as well.

When the door closed they manage to head back to the order and headed to their rooms after finding out now that she'll be guarded all the time. 'Damn it if he's protecting her then the others are doing it as well. I need to talk to her alone away from everyone even Kai but the question is how,' Allen thought as he planned ahead.

'Great I thought I would ask her out next but her act like that made it hard for me to get near her. For now I'll just have to wait and see until I see her again alone,' Kanda thought as he began to walk away to go to his room at the order.

'I planned on making her mine but for now I'll just wait,' both Allen and Kanda thought as they head of to find the others.

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