Chapter 20 complication

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A few days have passed since Kallen left. Things weren't the same since then Allen and Kanda haven't fought each other but ignored each other. Kai however took it harder he refused to eat and drink and never left his room. Natsume would force him to eat all the food he brings him but in his eyes he felt pain for Kai.
As for Kikyo after learning what Kai read she was sad that she focused on her work all the time she even did Lavi part ad well.
"Hey Kikyo, komui wants to see you in his office." Lenalee said as she waited for her to notice.
"Alright I'll go right now."
As they walked to komui office she kept think why would she leave.
"Hey Kikyo how are you doing with you know Kallen's leave."
"I honestly don't know anymore Lavi try's to cheer me up, but seeing Kai like that makes me even more sad."
"Well the letter did say it was Haiji that told her that. Maybe he found something that may cause harm to her or even to you guys. Also the fact that she looked a bit happy here too made me think we at least got her and Kai reconnected after all these years. Still I miss her a lot she was like a sister who someone could talk to."
"Yeah but I just wish she didn't have to leave."
"Yeah me too."

In town Kallen was doing her normal business. Finding humans and turn them to akuma. "Haiji I'm bored and hungry too. Can we please have a break I already had six clients today, and if have to make another round empty handed I won't do anything until we eat." She said as she had her usual pigtails and outfit on.
"Alright I guess we an take a break now since we've been doing this for a few hours. How about we go home and eat with Euphemia that way we can spend time together."
"Yeah sounds good lets hurry up then." She began walking but notice that something was off.
Haiji saw it too it was a lot clamer then it should normally be. Turn out when Haiji destroyed three of the four branches the white knights have stop coming for them. As they kept walking they kept their gaurd up even in the main road. Unfortunately for the person who kept following them didn't know they have figured him out.
As soon as they reach the exit of the village they notice the guy kept hiding in the allies. "Kallen you can open the ark."
"Are you saying that you can't do it now?"
"No I'm saying to not give the guy an advantage of him taking you before you enter the ark."
"Fine whatever makes you sleep at night." she got the ark open and she entred before Haiji. Once Haiji was in the ark she closed the door as well.
"Kallen you look really down want to talk about it?"
"No I'm just tired that's all. Tell me when the food ready I'll be in my room." She got up and walk in her room. Same light blue room only difference was a bear on her bed and the louts flower on her night stand.
"What do I do in one night I fallen for two exorcists and they both have the same feelings for me." She hug her bear looking for the answer but unfortunately they both have her confused as well.
She heard a knock on the door and saw it was just Jasdero and Devit. They visit her much more since they found out she left to go in hiding for a few weeks. "Well you seem more quiet then usual what's wrong?" Devit asked her.
"Nothing just think of something thats all. After hiding for so long I almost forgot about the akuma. Can I ask you guys for something?"
"Go right ahead Kallen,"
"Have you guys felt like your heart is being torn apart between two people and can't figure out what to do."
Jasdero and Devit began to smile like the idiots they are. "Looks like Kallen is in love," Devit said.
"She in love but with who? Better yet who are they." Jasdero said as he jumped from excitement.
"Well the two guys that I met they're really good guys and they different personality. Still I can't decide which I love more."
"Let me give you a little advice the moment when you least expect will help you most." Devit said as he patted her head.
She didn't understand what he meant but will figure it out eventually.
"Come on let's go eat were having your favorite meal and we don't want the food to go cold do we." Devit said he and Jasdero got up for her to follow them.
'Kai hope your eating well you baka,' she thought as she followed the Noah to the dinner hall.

"Allen you okay?" Krory asked as he noticing that ate at half what he usually eats.
"Yea why do you ask."
"Well ever since Kallen left it feels pretty depressing here at the order. Not only that Kai and Kikyo have it worst Kikyo been focusing on her work then me. My beloved Kikyo hasn't made me work since then and I'm worried even the old man is too." Lavi said as he ate his meal.
"Not only that Natsume has been more isolated since they left." Krory said ad he looked at the boy forcing Kai to eat again.
"Plus Yu has been acting really werid as well. The fact you guys aren't fighting right now means there more then Kallen leaving. So what gives you can tell us right I'm sure we can help." Lavi said as Allen looked a bit red for what he's going to say.
"Alright the truth is that I'm in love with Kallen." That shocked both of them to expect from him.
"Way to go Allen let me guess you regret not tell her that now."
"No no I told her and all but the problem is that Kanda confess his love for her that same day as well." Allen said as Lavi and Krory were shocked about this part.
"Then that explains why Kanda been like this. He's in a love with her as well." Lavi said.
"Well for now she might use this time to figure things out with the two of you. Still it's pretty lonely here without Euphy playing with us." Krory said as he always plays with her.
"Yeah I missed them too.but I've been wondering about something since that Haiji guy came the first time here," Lavi said as he thought more about.
"You know that Kai guardian is a dog which is Natsume right. And Kallen's guardian is a cat which is Euphemia. So what's is Kikyo's guardian?"
"Who knows maybe she doesn't have one or the fact her guardian hides far to well that no one really knows." Krory said as thought about more.
"I'm sure Kikyo's guardian is kind one like Kallen's and Kai's so it shouldn't bother you Lavi. Anyway I better go komui said he needed me after I was done eating see ya guys." And like that Allen left to komui office.

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