chapter 22 Taken

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In Rome night time

After looking around Kikyo still hasn't found a thing. Not even the water around her seen anything. "Seems like the akuma have one destination but where." Allen said as he say the akuma leave them alone and head somewhere else.
"We should split up and cover more ground by asking people about whats been going on these past few days. We'll meet up here again in one hour." Lenalee said as they agreed to that. Kikyo looked around and saw that many people were looking into the shops.
"Excuse me miss are you an exorcists?" A man wearing a black jacket asked as he saw her standing around.
"Yes I'm looking for some information about the akuma activity here for the past few days. Do you know whats happening recently."
"I know someone who knows this more then me. He hides in that ally doesn't like to be around people a lot. Says that the akuma are back for him if you like I can take you to him." The man said as she looked at the ally.
"How do you know him?"
"We grew up together and he is my best friend. He says that exorcists are the only ones that he might trust only."
"Alright I'll go and see him but if you are lying to me there will be conquests of this." She said as the man began to show her the way.
After arriving to his friends place there was no one there. Just as she was about to turn she was knocked out hard. "What a pity that you fell for this fallen one." Was the last thing she heard before blacking out.

In Verona night

Krory and Lavi were looking for more information on the akuma behavior. Kai however thiught of something else, 'what if kallen is doing this to the akuma. She has the power to do so meaninf they have to obey her to the day they die.'
"Excuse me but can tou help me out you see my wagon wheel broke and I was hoping for a strong boy to help me out to take the new wheel to my wagon. Would you help me out its just two miles away." The man said as he looked like a farmer.
"Sure I don't mind at all." Kai said as he got the wheel from him.
As they walked he notice the wagon looked really old and had nothing. "Sir I think the stolen your items and animals." Kai said as there was nothing left but the worn out wagon.
"It's a shame that this was to easy." As kai turn around the wheel let out some sleeping gas causing him to blackout. "Shame to you young Fallen are easy to minpulate."

In Paris night

"Kallen you should wait here while i go looking for some customers for your services." Haiji said as he looked at her looking out to the city of lights. She notice that sadness in her eyes.
"Yeah sure but at least give me sweets for now." She said as she sense someone fimiliar.
"Here are a few lollipops and taffy and gum. Dont eat it all ok." He said jokingly.
"Haha very funny Haiji I forgot to laugh. Just hurry up okay I'm getting bored of this damn city." She said as she ate a pive of taffy.
As Haiji left he never notice the man following him and saw the girl all alone with nothing to do. And idwa pop up and walked over to her. As he walk to her he felt nervous about her ability out all the fallen she was the toughest of all of them. She already killed teo of therre advanced fighters with out moving a muscle.
"Why so sad sir?" Kallen asked as he looked at her her blue eye caught his attention immediately. "I lost my two best friends and I don't have anyone else to be with. Life is cruel."
"It is but people must continue living to keep there memories alive. A shame that many rather have vengeance to those that caused the problem. Still do wish to swe them again."
"Yes I do."
"Alright I propose a contract but in return of something else of equal value. What do you say?"
"Very well I except th8s contract of your but before that may I ask your name."
"Kallen Millenium and yours."
"Mikage wool." He raised his as je was about to seal the so called contract of hers. He grabbed her arm and made her land on the ground and grabbed the cloth filled with the liquid to knock her out.(no idea what its called sorry but if you know please tell me thanks)
As she try to stay awake she lost her strength and gave up to go to sleep. As she dreamt of the two guys to helo her out of this. She heard the person talkbefore passing out. "Your going to pay for what you did Fallen one."

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