chapter 26

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After everyone wad reunited at were they started they notice that none were attack. Kikyo and kai were unconscious and Kallen's ankle was injured. They had at least two hours before the attack and so far the survivors of the fallen ones were them and Haiji. "We should leave before the others come especially Mikage."Kallen said.
"Where am I?" Kikyo said as she woke up.
"Kikyo your awake my love!" Lavi said as be hugged her. Only to earn few gaurds to come.
"Nice going Lavi." Natsume said as he changed to a dog form only he was 5x bigger than he normally was. Euphy change in her cat form but instead of a one tail she had two tails and really sharp teeth and the same size as Natsume.
"Oh so thats their true form." Krory said and Jasdero and Devit agreed with him.
When gaurds were reached the door Natsume and Euphy began to attack them head on. Rima was looking for a way out but with the white knights locking her out of the system she couldn't find any other way around.
"Well looks like were doing this the old fashioned way." Rima said as
Hacked in unblocking their defenses.
Kai mange regain consciousness and saw Kallen in Kanda's arms. "Kanda mind explianing why my twin sister is being carried by you." Kai said and deadly tone.
"Kai do we really have time for this now!" Kallen yelled as she saw Euphy take down three gaurds down and Natsume took down two more.
"Well excuse me for being over protective of my little sister. After all I was the first one to be born!"
"By two hours you baka! What does have to do with our argument anyway your angry that someone rescue your sorry excuse of a man."
"Oh and you got yourself out of trouble. If I remember correctly I saved you all the time when we were kids." Kai said as a come back.
"That because you would cause the damn fight every time I would be around a boy. This the reason I never had a friend when we were kids!" She said as a comeback just a gaurd was aiming towards them but only to be attack by Euphy.
"Will you both shut up I mange ti access their plans. Turns out they need you guys for a some ritual. And it involves three fallen but none of the fallen have ever copperated with them. That's why they need us and thats why everyone else that was captured died instead of working for them." Kikyo said to stop the annoying twins from their unnecessary fighting.
"She's right the problem is there isn't many now. Estimating how many fallen are left is five and below. Now they want you guys will be targeted as a last resort. And it also has to involve that the three chosen will be the ones that will purify all the sinners."Rima said as she entre the system.
"Alright let get the hell out of here we have an hour before we better get out of here." Lavi said as he picked up Kikyo.
As they were about to leave Euphy and Natsume were thrown back to a wall. They got injuries that looked like they were going to die any minute.
"Seems like our guests don't like our hospitality Mikage. Let's give them a warm welcome to our home." Kikyo knew that voice anywhere.
"Seem like that fallen one you caught didn't feel a thing in her room one bit. My guess she's able to with stand those kind of environment." Kai recognized the other one.
"Either way she's not one to mess up she's toying with us even more. So don't be careless around she'll will kill you without hesitation." Mikage said as the others nodded in understanding.
"Hey Haiji Tres by any chance you guys brought my weapon did you." Kallen asked and brought out Lero. As she was put down she walked to them and grabbed Lero.
"Hey Lero ready to show them what we're made of."
"Let make them fear never to mess with the Millenium Earl daughter and the clan of Noah." Lero said as he changed in to a sword like he did with the earl many years ago.
As Haiji and Tres also came by her side to fight them.
"You guys go on ahead we can take care of them so go Kikyo has a wedding to prepare." Kallen said with a smile.
"Kallen you better come back alive or else I won't forgive you."Kai said as Kikyo agreed with him. As Allen and Kanda grabbed Euphy and Natsume they left.
"Please tell me you have a plan on how to beat them." Haiji asked a bit worried about the out come.
"Nope I have none." That shocked both of them.
"Hahaha how can you be so smart and so dumb at the same time. It's official your the coolest girl anyone can have." Haiji said glad as Kallen and Tres laugh with him.
"Alright guys let show them who they're messing with." Kallen said ad they agreed with her.

With the others

As Allen and the others saw the exit Kai and Kikyo couldn't help but stop thinking about Kallen. Euphy turn back to her smaller form as well as Natsume.
"Do you think Kallen and the others are going to be alright Lavi?" Kikyo said as she was being carriedby Lavi.
"Don't worry about them we have to get you two oit of here frist." Rim said as she lead throught the hallways trying to find the exit.
"Listen Lenalee take Euphy with you I'm going back to help them." Allen said as he passed Euphy to her.
"But Allen-"
"Don't worry I'm an exorcists I won't let the one I love without knowing her true feelings out." Allen said as he was about to leave until someone stoped him.
"Allen please bring my little sister back." Kai said wish he could go with him.
"Don't worry I'll go with him as well. He's nit the only one wanting to know how she feels either." Kanda said as he passed Natsume to to Devit.
"You guys better come back with her." Kai said as they nodded and went back to help her.
'Kallen don't worry I'm coming to save you and bring you home.' They both thought as the went back.
Hi everyone sorry I had a ruff week last week. Hope enjoy this chapter. Also if I don't update before next week I want to say have fun on your first day of school. Unless you already started school thrn I hope you had fun

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