Chapter 9 The Bet

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Kallen went back home after she put Euphy to bed with Lero looking over her so she wouldn't go on a rampage. As soon as she arrive at the estate she gathered her things her sword that she'd never use after Lero saw her kill two akuma when she was ten and some bags with some clothes of her and Euphy. She had some skirts and pants with shirts and blouses and some ribbons as well as the gift she was making for Euphy. She notice that Jasdero and Devit weren't there at all but she knew thoes two would find a way to bother her. She got Tres cloths as well and some weapons of his even bullets. 'This is going to be the longest stay we will be but I hope Haiji can do it he knows what to do when he finds them.' She got the things and went throught the ark only to get help by Allen and Kanda.

"Here let us help you since you are our honored guest," Allen said as he got Haiji bag from her and Kanda got hers and Euphy bags. "Thanks for helping us as soon as Haiji gives me a sign we'll leave," she said as she walked behind them.

"Hey its okay don't worry about it we're glad to have you here," Allen said as he gave her a kind smile. Her heart skiped a beat but she ignored it since she wanted to make sure Euphy isn't awake yet since its five in the afternoon she keeps her cat naps short to keep her energy up.

"Hey Kallen can I ask you something," Allen asked when they reached her door she saw that Tres got the bags from Kanda and thanked him for helping me. "Sure what is it," she said as she looked at him curious to know what he was going to ask.

"Well I was wondering if you like to hang out with me tomorrow? He asked with a blush. From the corner of her eye she saw Kanda balling his fist looked angry at Allen. "Are you asking me to go with on a date?"

He got nervous and fidget a bit that he looked cute doing it. "Well... um.. yeah sorry its okay if you don't want to," he said as he was about to walk away she grab his jacket to stop him. "You didn't let me give you answer yet kinda rude don't you think?" She said in a teasing way that made him blush even more red.

"Oh sorry I wasn't thinking about that," he said laughing nervously. Kanda began to grit his teeth from how Allen and Kallen were acting. "Sure I'll go on a date with you just don't make it too fancy since I have that life back home," she said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek, "thank you for helping me with those bags." She went to Kanda and made him lean down to kiss his children cheek as well, "and thank you for your help too Yu Kanda," she said as she figured out his first name thanks to that Lavi guy. She went into her room and Tres followed her as well.

A soon as the door closed Kanda drag Allen away from the door and into Allen's room. He looked really mad at him that he had the killer look, "moyashi explian why you asked her out when I was going to ask her out!?"

"I told a million times my name is ALLEN Bakanda!" He said as he looked him ready to fight them that is until Kai came in with an angry look on his face. "Allen explian why I saw you and Kanda get kissed by my sister now!" He asked when they were about to fight. "Oh Kai she said it was a thank you kiss for helping her with the bags she carried I'm guessing their cloths for her and Euphemia and that Tres guy and happen to help her out thats all." He said as he put on his gentlemen self back before Kai would go overprotective over his twin sister Kallen, like Komui and Lenalee. "Alright if you say that then I trust you but if there something going between you guys I will hunt you both down got it." Kai said as he left.

"Listen Kanda its not my fault that you didn't have the guts to ask her out, but face it how can you ever give her a good time when you never once try to be nice to anyone here. Sure you help us out but then you try to act like its not a big deal. How about a deal whoever wins her heart will have to back down from trying to get to her again." Allen said while known he has a good chance of getting her heart now.

"Fine by me but we can't interfere with each other when were with her got it." He said as he out his hand out to seal the bet.

"Fine by me I have to problem with that," Allen said as he shook his hand to seal the bet. 'No way I'm letting Kanda have Kallen i saw her first,' Allen thought as Kanda left his room. 'I'm not losing to that moyashi I never felt this way to any other girl in ky life. Even if moyashi is good at gabbeling i wont let him win this one.' Kanda thought as he went to his room. 'I'm going to win Kallen heart no matter what.' They both thought at the same time.

Me: okay so before Euphy wakes up and starts to beg me to play woth her she should not know about this at all got Allen Kanda or else I will tell Kallen about the bet.
Allen: don't worry I won't tell anyone as long as you keep it a secret about the bet.
Kanda: sure I'll keep quiet as well.
Me: alright well we ask you all to help allen on what his date should be as well as kanda because i have no idea what it should be. Please help me with that because I got nothing. If you any ideas please leave it in the comments thank you and have a great day or night for others.

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