24. Of Peach Soda Pop and Pilfering (pt.1)

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Get excited, Dear Traveler. We're finally going to experience something eventful since the days of Bodhi's flashy rescue in the Garden of Immortal Peaches.

If you pay close attention, you might be able to develop some theories. Trust me, it will give you something interesting to think about during the less exciting gaps in the tale.

Why would someone want to actively develop theories, you wonder? Dear Traveler, I believe the better question is why wouldn't you? Besides, haven't you been doing so already? I'm simply encouraging more of that.

Who knows? You just might be able to get some of the theories that you already have to connect with the new ones that you'll hopefully form going forward.

Now, let's get back to the story.

Our spiritual cadre had a rather smooth and uneventful trip across the Heavenly River. Their ferry parked at a waterfall that overlooked the shores of the Rabbit Province...

The Heavenly River poured down into the Heavenly Waterfall, which fed right into the ferry's destination

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The Heavenly River poured down into the Heavenly Waterfall, which fed right into the ferry's destination. From the top of the fall, it was easy to see a full overview of Kawaii Village. The landscape was much hillier than where Ritsu and his companions came from, but these slopes were lower and broader.

Through the blanket of green, our spirits could see pockets of complex residential areas. Even in the more central, urbanized centers, the buildings did not rise more than two stories. The roads were peppered with cyclists and wire systems that moved around yellow trolleys.

Ritsu, Anari, Bodhi and Ham Song stood at the railing as the ferry docked over the roaring falls. Each of them took in the view, breathing in some much needed fresh air.

Sun Ritsu's miniature quarterstaff earring danced like a wind chime in the breeze, its cylindrical jade surface catching and tossing the light.

Anari's rich leather clothing absorbed the sun rays while her round shades shielded her many sensitive eyes from overexposure. The soft set of her jaw did not indicate any strong sort of emotion. Perhaps the feeling of content was the closest one could come to deciphering the spider's mood.

Bodhi wasn't looking out at the wondrous view, but rather leaning against the railing with their eyes closed and groaning gently with the rocking and bobbing of the ferry.

"I think I'm going to be sick."

Bodhi's confession was so soft that Ham Song was the only one who caught it. The pig snorted, "Heedless monk, what did you expect? After the amount you–"


The view for the next few moments was suddenly not so pleasing to the eye. Luckily for our cadre, there were no village officials around to see how blatantly un-cute Bodhi was behaving.

And no. It does not matter if the monk couldn't help it. Weren't you paying attention earlier, Dear Traveler? If a spirit is caught with or doing anything that does not follow the Cutest Code of Conduct, then they will risk arrest in the worst case scenario and be issued a warning and a heavy fine at best.

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