12. The Peach Festival (pt.2)

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Dear Traveler, I have a confession to make. Despite what I told you last time, we will not be going to the Peach Festival just yet.


Because our three heroes first need to find a place to sleep. Bodhi, don't forget, is still covered in urine and alcoholic backwash. They need a bath more than anything.

Why of course all of this matters! Every part in the story matters. Trust me!

I promise that by the end of this, you will have a better understanding of why patience is valued as one of society's seven virtues.

I promise that by the end of this, you will have a better understanding of why patience is valued as one of society's seven virtues

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The streetlights were on by the time Bodhi and their new companions left the snack depot. The three of them had a plan, but still no money to rent out a place to sleep. The pig claimed that he was still short on Luck and not enough time had passed for it to replenish.

Ham Song said, "We're going to end up sleeping on the streets if we don't figure out something."

Such a thing would not be new to Bodhi, but judging by the looks on the spirits' faces, Bodhi could assume that their companions had never been this desperate.

Bodhi glanced up and down the street to make sure that no one was coming. When the coast was clear, they beckoned Ham Song and Sun Ritsu to follow them down the narrow alley running parallel to the snack depot.

The concrete walls practically hugged the two spirits and the monk as they edged their way to the back of the building. Bodhi bit their lip to keep from saying something nasty to the pig, who wouldn't stop complaining to Ritsu about how untrustworthy of a monk they were.

When the three of them emerged from the tight space and into the empty back lot with the dumpsters, Ham Song said, "This is where we're camping for the night, monk? Well, I must say, you really have posh taste. How many stars does this one have? Five out of five?"

Bodhi shot him a cold look before going over to one of the dumpsters, lifting the hood, and clambering inside. They could still hear the pig blabbering on as they searched for something useful.

"Look at that. She's back in the trash. As if she didn't smell bad enough already."

Bodhi heard Ritsu correct him. "You mean they. And Ham Song, I think they are trying to help us."

The sound of the monkey coming to Bodhi's defense brought a smile to their lips. Shortly after, they came upon what they had been looking for.

The smile dropped from their face while they were climbing out of the dumpster and overheard the pig say, "I don't care what it is trying to do. It stinks to high heavens!"

Bodhi couldn't ignore how the pig's inelegant use of their pronouns felt like a whip cracking against their insides. Without alcohol to numb such things, they had to make a deliberate effort to keep their features cool and unfazed.

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