9. Pork Buns

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What do you think of the story so far, Dear Traveler? Our mediocre hero is not so mediocre when he's in his Immortal State, is he?

Yes, that's what we call it – the Immortal State. In fact it has many names. Ascension, the Radiant State, the Resplendent Glory of the Highest Sun or the Glorious Resplendence of the Highest Sun.

Do I have an Immortal State? Well, of course I do. I am a sun clone after all.

Dear Traveler, did you notice how surprised the other characters were by Sun Ritsu's transformation? There's a reason for that. The journey to the Immortal State is not meant to be that immediate. Our Sun Ritsu is a bonafide freak of nature.


I have no clue why. Well I do, but I'm not telling you. At least not yet.

Ha! Because you haven't earned it. So hush, and pay attention to the rest of the story.

Sun Ritsu woke up to pain in his neck and pretty much everywhere in his body

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Sun Ritsu woke up to pain in his neck and pretty much everywhere in his body. He felt wet and sticky in some places and cold all over. He blinked his eyes open and looked around.

How did I wind up on the roof?

Something at his elbow snorted. He looked to his left to see the pig from before curled up beside him. The sweat coating his body glistened under the morning sun. The pig's warm pink hue reminded Ritsu of the peach he bit into last night.

Was it even last night? How long have I been asleep?

Well, however long it was, he definitely had to pee. Sun Ritsu went to the back of the noodle house to take care of his business. He was startled by the body lying there among the jagged boulders. The tide of the liquid void lapped at the spirit's heels.

"Hey man, be careful. That stuff burns after a while."

There was no response.

In mid-piss, Ritsu squinted at the spirit. Oh, he's asleep. He stared harder. And . . . he's not a spirit.

Since returning to the spirit world, Ritsu had not met very many humans. Still, he knew that some were capable of gaining access to the Ninth Heaven. This one appeared to be a monk.


Ritsu got control of his aim. The monk was already covered in bruises and dirt. It was clear that he — or she??? — hadn't bathed in days. Possibly months. A little urine wouldn't make things that much worse.

"Lawful, benign monkey! There you are!"

Caught off guard by the pig, Sun Ritsu turned, spraying the monk even more.

The pig snorted and leapt back. "Watch it!"

"Sorry." Ritsu zipped up his pants.

The pig waddled over on four stumpy legs. "Were you just pissing on that monk? If you had a soul, you would go to hell for that."

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