53. Nebula's Parting (pt.1)

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As soon as Bodhi sent Ritsu off to figure out what to do with himself, they linked up with Ham Song in order to confront that no good dirty gold-toothed swindler Sun Seven

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As soon as Bodhi sent Ritsu off to figure out what to do with himself, they linked up with Ham Song in order to confront that no good dirty gold-toothed swindler Sun Seven. At least, that's how Ham Song described him.

"We have to prepare ourselves for the possibility that he knows kung fu," Bodhi said.

Ham Song didn't really know how he was supposed to prepare for something like that.

"All right. If he tries to kick me, I'll just bite his leg off."

I bet you're wondering where this little standoff was going to go down, aren't you, Dear Traveler? Well, the last thing the monk and the pig wanted was another run-in with the law. So they had decided to play the stealth card and lure Seven somewhere that the Kawaii Village authorities would not have as much influence.

Seven was supposed to meet them outside of a sandwich hut in the Dog Province for lunch. On top of that, Bodhi brought along the training paper space for a little extra privacy.

"Listen pig," Bodhi said on the way to the rendezvous point, "you better not get too overzealous and start exploding with fruit. Remember that Seven is also a sun clone. If he gets his hands on one of your immortal peaches, I might not be able to stop him."

"Stop me from doing what?"

Ham Song released a terrifying squeal that spooked everyone in the vicinity. The pig hadn't expected their target to sneak up on them!

Seven, it seemed, hadn't expected any of this either. He jumped at Ham Song's reaction, dropping all of the sandwiches that he had ordered in advance.

"Damn it! Hambro, look at what you made me do!"

Bodhi glanced around quickly before making their move. The monk used the distraction to clock Seven one good time in the nose. They then tossed the paper space over Seven's head. It unfolded neatly behind the wounded sun clone.

"Get in here, pig!" Bodhi shouted as they used their foot to shove Seven backwards into the paper space. Then they dove in after.

Ham Song barely made it inside the entrance of crinkling light and papery edges. When the pig found his footing and blinked his eyes to adjust to the change in light, he saw that Bodhi already had Sun Seven pinned to the ground.

The monk was waving the stolen Next Dimension in Seven's face.

"You wanna explain this?"

Seven was clearly at a disadvantage, but he still tried to swipe the card out of Bodhi's hand. "That is none of your business, Sifu! And where the hell did you even find–"

Bodhi dragged Seven up by his collar just high enough to slam his head back down against the earth.

"Have you been trying to sell us out all so you can get your piece of Lemon Lime shit off the ground?"

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