42. A Diamond Body (pt.1)

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Anari and Sun Bai were on their way to the Sevenfold Peach Championship located in Kawaii Village

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Anari and Sun Bai were on their way to the Sevenfold Peach Championship located in Kawaii Village.

They were taking a train — a prototype, Bai called it. Anari practically held her breath as Bai escorted her onto the short monorail.

Her heart was beating madly as she strained to keep her mind blank. See, Anari's employer still wasn't aware that she knew all about the collapsed bridge at the shores of the Heavenly River. According to the workers, that bridge was under Next Dimension's jurisdiction.

By the time they were sitting down in the train cart on sky blue leather seats, the sliding doors had shut and the Void's scenery was on the move.

A cloudy, dark, multicolor space engulfed them as they traveled farther and farther away from the giant. Bai sat across from Anari with his hands resting in his lap and his expression relaxed. Today he was wearing purple-tinted frames with gold wiring. His hair was up in its usual half bun. Bai's jacket was traditional and plain, but below the waist, he was dressed in a coral-dyed longyi. Its design was vibrant and so extremely detailed that the tiny peaches sewn in were hidden almost too well.

"You look nice," Anari said.

Bai was staring out the window at the time she spoke. He kept his eyes averted and murmured a quiet thanks. Even after all these years, Sun Bai still shied away from direct compliments. He told Anari that she looked nice as well.

"You always do," he added, finally tearing his gaze from the viscous waves just on the other side of the glass.

"How are the other bridges coming along?" Anari asked as casually as she could. "Are they as sturdy as this one?"

As if on cue, the cart rattled, causing both spirits to sway a little in their seats. But not anymore than a regular train would.

Bai smirked. "What? Are you nervous?"

With this new way of travel, something could very well go wrong and send Anari and Bai off course into the electrifying Void Sea.

Anari shook her head. "Prototype or not, I know you wouldn't bring me on here until you were absolutely sure it was safe."

Bai seemed glad that Anari understood that. He made a thoughtful sound and steered his gaze once again toward the window.

"You're right. I was only teasing. But I also wanted to catch you up on what is going to come next. These bridges are going to become my focus for a while and I want you to know what that will mean."

Here it comes, Anari thought. The answers to all her questions, or most of them at least, were on their way.

Bai leaned forward and steepled his hands under his chin. "Imagine this sort of travel across the entire Ninth Heaven. No fees. No documents. A simple ID will do. I'm going to make it happen."

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