49. Wondrous and True (pt.3)

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A part of Sun Ritsu was glad to be back behind the grill

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A part of Sun Ritsu was glad to be back behind the grill. On the way to the Lunch Hero, the sun clone had tried to see where Bodhi was with their research on the different contestants. The monk's expression hardened by a fraction before they said that they would tell Ritsu about it later.

"First I want to see this powerful demonstration of yours."

Ritsu wouldn't go so far as to call it such, but he hoped that Bodhi could do something with it for this next trial.

It wasn't hard getting permission to go inside the kitchen over at the Lunch Hero. Once the two spirits were alone, Ritsu asked Bodhi to stand a couple of feet back. The monk made an amused sound, but they listened and gave Ritsu some space.

An easy sense of calm washed over Ritsu as he fired up the grill, washed his hands, and, with a cool flourish, tied on his apron. It wasn't long before Ritsu forgot about Bodhi's presence. He was there for the meat. The buns, grilled onions, thin-cut potatoes crisping in metal baskets when dunked in hot oil – this was Ritsu's playground...

Somewhere in the making of an ordinary lunch hero,

the monkey king lost touch with all time and space.

The meat flips itself,

the fries float on their own,

condiments squeeze on a spontaneous note

grease splatters, things sizzle, get melted

All the monkey does is breathe

and listen to what will become

food for someone

he's the humble messenger

Wind escapes his nostrils as the cookware cools

the tightness in his belly eases for now

that old ache turned temporary hero

a fry cook knows hunger too well




The cuticles around Ritsu's fingernails were glowing, but he didn't notice as he handed Bodhi the burger fresh off the grill. Bodhi took their hands out of the pocket of their hoodie and gingerly accepted the offer.

Ritsu used his apron to wipe away some of the sweat on the back of his neck. He'd forgotten how hot the kitchen could get.

"Sweet immortal–"

Ritsu paused. "Is something wrong?"

Bodhi shook the half eaten burger in Ritsu's face. "You never brought me anything that tasted like this when I was in prison! What the hell is this?"

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