61. First in the West; The Scattered Cloud pt.2

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Sun Ritsu

While Sun Chop was delivering his bows to the audience, Sun Shan aka Sparkplug was breathing into a paper bag. The summoner had his two friends from Sheer Will Academy plus Sun Ritsu doing what they could to help him work through his nerves.

"Remember," Zhaoling calmly reminded him, "your idol, Sun Terra, is watching. Take this time to put yourself in the right mindframe so you can impress her."

Although the Barefoot Sun was doing what he could to encourage his friend, Sun Ritsu wasn't so sure if that was the best way to lift Sparkplug's spirits.

Blue Force wasn't any better.

"Get it together, Spark! You're already on thin ice with your fans. If you choke, you'll only piss them off even more."

Sparkplug's eyes bulged as he wheezed into the bag. "M-my fans! I can't – *wheeze* – let them down!"

This earned Blue Force cautionary glares from both Ritsu and Zhaoling.

Sun Tie Quan balked at their expressions. "What? I'm just trying to help!" Then he leaned back in his seat and grumbled to himself, "Not trying to have another Sun Yong Kid situation."

Now let's pause right here because Tie Quan's last words set something off in our witless hero. Sun Ritsu lowered his eyes and spoke softly to the distressed Sun Shan.

"There is a way out, Spark. You could walk the same path as Yong Kid. Then you wouldn't have to face any more of these trials."

Zhaoling and Tie Quan froze to exchange bewildered looks with each other. Sun Shan's breath caught very suddenly as he tore his eyes off of the field and made incredulous eye contact with Sun Ritsu.

"W-what, you mean leave the competition. Like f-forfeit?"

The two other sun clones wouldn't hear anything of it. They tried to move in, pushing Sun Ritsu away in order to protect their little brother from this crazy talk.

But Ritsu managed to hold the other two off, maintaining a line of conversation with Shan.

"Yes. That's exactly what I mean." Ritsu held his gaze. "But you won't do that, Spark."

Barefoot and Blue Force suddenly stopped trying to separate the two of them. Sensing that Ritsu was on to something, Zhaoling eased off and encouraged Tie Quan to allow their former classmate to finish his conversation.

For a moment, Sparkplug seemed conflicted.

"It's just..." He glanced from Tie Quan to Zhaoling. "Everyone's performances have been so badass. At first I was super excited for my chance, but then the pressure got to me. I didn't expect to feel like this."

He closed his eyes and let his head droop. Sun Ritsu waited. Blue Force looked like he wanted to say something, but bit his lip and thought against it.

Finally, Sparkplug made a decisive sound in his throat, opened his eyes and set his gaze firmly on the field.

"But you're right, Sun Ritsu. I'm not going to walk away. That's not the kind of guy I am."

Ritsu and the others drew back as Sun Shan shot to his feet.

Lifting his fist inches away from his nose, he declared, "I'm the kind of guy who goes out there and leaves everything out on the field! If I fail, I'm going to fail spectacularly without shame or regret. I won't be a loser in the dark, but one for the entire damn heaven to see!"

Blue Force scrunched his nose a bit. Zhaoling did so too, albeit in a way that was more subtle. The two shot each other similar looks.

"I... think he missed the point."

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