Interlude: Enter Sun Tang

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Two things, Dear Traveler.

One. I am not supposed to be here.

Two. Close your mouth. Your breath stinks.

Anyway, right. Where'd that lazy good for nothing stoner Sun Leaf leave off with you? Catch me up.




What's that? Didn't even make it to – Back up! Back it up!

Right. Right. Okay. The Barefoot Sun hands his staff over to Sun Ritsu. Got it. Then what?

Are you sure about that? You mean to tell me that that Leaf left off right where – sweet immortal peaches, I cannot stand that guy. He didn't even get to Sun Ritsu's performance for the Wondrous and True trial. What a mess.

This is just great. Now my intro is all jacked up. What's the point of even – oh, sorry. Did you say something?

My... two things from before? You mean the one about how I'm not supposed to be here? Yeah, what about it?

Well, since you asked. You know that guy, that hero of ours? That oh-so-benevolent monkey king? With his golden brown eyes and handsome sideburns and his superior fry cooking abilities?

Yeah – the main character of the story – I KNOW. I'm orange, not stupid, Dear Traveler.

Well, the truth is, that guy. Stole. My. Spot.


It's the truth. That hot mess of a monkey king is the reason I am stuck here with the likes of you right now instead of completely slaying the competition down at the Sevenfold Peach.

Do you want to know why? Of course you do.

Because I, Sun Tang the original Orangutan King, was supposed to have that eighth finalist seat! You can check the tape recording and see that I was the last sun clone hanging onto the edge of the platform for dear life. If Sun Ritsu hadn't been there – and practically KO'd at that! – that spot would have gone to me! I simply know it.

It's not fair that he got by in his freaking sleep while I still hadn't given up the fight! I was actually doing something to be connected to the platform!

Maybe it was karma or Luck or a cruel joke played on me by the gods, but this is how it happened. I may have unfairly lost the chance at greatness, but that doesn't mean I'm going to walk away. Not a chance. I want to see this through to the end.

You and I, Dear Traveler, are going to shine a microscope on this sloppy excuse for a hero and see just how far his Luck can take him through the Sevenfold Peach.

All right, then.

*Cracks knuckles.*

Let's do this.

Let's do this

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