1. Galas, Am I Right?

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(Jason's POV)

Gala's suck.

And I'll give you 5 reasons why they suck.

1. Suits are stuffy, 2. we have to talk to stupid people constantly, 3. I have to "behave" (now that makes me laugh), and 4. I can't use weapons.

We've been going to them all our freaking lives, and we never have any choice in if we even want to or not... so thanks for that Bruce.

Slipping through the crowd, tugging off my tie, I came up to Timmy, "I'm gonna split, just let the Old Man figure it out."

His blue eyes focused on me as he sipped his coffee, "Again?"

Snorting, I rolled my eyes, snagging two glasses of champagne, "No one's gonna miss me, Replacement, besides this gala is boring. More so than usual."

He sighed, rubbing his hand over his face, "I'm not covering for you, again, if that's what you're getting at."

"No way, last time I split without telling you, you freaked out. I'm telling you to keep you off my back," I flipped him a lazy two-fingered salute, making my way to the door, "See ya'."

I didn't get more than a few steps when the doors exploded open, debris flying everywhere.

Visibility was zero as the dust stung my eyes, and I yanked a guest out of the way, a ringing knocking around in my ears. 

Starting to see fire and hear the Joker's laugh everywhere, watching my death all over again, my eyes lost focus on everything. 

Refusing to fall back into that memory, I shook my head heavily while steadying my shaking legs.

"Oh my god, thank you," My vision cleared enough to see the middle-aged woman I saved, and I couldn't believe she didn't break her ankles in those heels.

Rolling my eyes, yet again, I scanned the room for Bruce, "Yeah, yeah, your welcome and all that schist."

In the back half of the room, I could see Demon and Dick by the back of the crowd as the dust cleared. They moved their own gazes to my own, nodding, before looking around for Tim and Bruce.

Bruce was farthest to the back, edging away, probably to change into his costume, and I couldn't see Tim. He probably changed already or was going to like B.

Breathing heavily and moving my gaze to the middle of the floor, I frowned.

Standing there was a weird magician man, grinning wildly at everyone.

Oh yeah, and number 5 for why I hate galas: Villains show up to these boring things all. The. Freaking. Time.

Magician guy had shaggy hair that was brushed away to show a domino mask, which obscured his eyes further, and had on a simple suit.

A slightly deranged smile danced across his face, pairing with his unfocused eyes, yet he seemed completely aware of everything.

"Good evening everyone, I am Revon, and tonight I will perform the act of taking all your valuables," He smiled, holding up a glowing hand, "all necklaces, earrings, wallets, money, and anything else expensive goes in the bag," 

It seemed "Revon" was intent on using his magicky hand too, but being Jason Todd, Bruce's Ward, I couldn't jump in to fight.

It would create problems even I didn't want to get into, though it would be funny to watch Bruce try to handle it.

Revon grinned, "And if you try anything stupid, well... wouldn't want to reveal all my tricks, now, would I?"

I was getting really annoyed with all this schist; how many villains was this place gonna see? 

Well, I mean, it's Gotham, so I guess that was the obvious answer.

Revon walked around confidently as his cape soundlessly moved behind him. The closer he got to people, the more they shrunk away. 

Cowering rich idiots, really. 

But a few kids that were scattered in the crowd, looking on in fear at the never-before-seen villain.

They needed to get to safety.

Coming to their rescue, Dick and Damian started to move stealthily through the sea of people. They drew no attention except for startled glances from the kids they collected.

And before I knew it, they were handing them off to Alfred as he guided them out the door, tight-lipped and determined.

And while they evacuated the kids silently, an idea came to mind.

Slinking to the food bar, I looked at the different-sized plates and found one of a good enough size.

When the magician man took a step forward, I lowered myself to the floor, aiming carefully. I held the disc like a frisbee, flicking my wrist, the skittering sound of the ceramic on marble Revon's only warning.

His foot landed on it, and the terror run turned into a balancing act, arms pinwheeling to keep balance.

Falling to the floor, Revon sighed before jumping back up. And, huffing his dark bangs from his face, he smiled politely, "Well that wasn't very good treatment for a guest."

Lifting myself from my crouch, putting on a face of fear like everyone else, I let his annoyed gaze sweep right over me. He didn't think poor little old me did it.

"When I find out who did it," He snarled, "you'll regret it!"

Biting back a smart-ass remark, I watched Batman pull out his battarang's, Red Robin with him.

The duo pulled back on fighting into close proximity as they danced around the room, intent on finding a weakness, but kept coming up short.

Laughing, the crook shot at different items, missing B and Red Robin completely, causing different plants and pieces of furniture to disappear in a snap of light.

Growling, I knew the two could handle it, but I didn't like being useless.

They continued to move around and I was itching to jump in, but then Revon's aim started to get very precise, very quickly.

I began to get a bad feeling when my eyes locked onto the magician's hand.

And started to see where he was aiming.

Feeling my face blanch and eyes widen, I lunged forward, knocking B out of the shot's way.


Grunting on impact, a blinding light obscured my vision while a heavy force knocked the wind out of me.

I feel like I need to say this twice...

I hate galas.


Hello fellow demigods and dear mortals,

I'm back again with another fanfiction with the Batclan! I have been really working on this for a little over a week now, finally getting to work on the idea after a few months. I just want to say thanks for coming to read this, and I am hoping you enjoy it as much as Son of Poseidon (PercyJackson x Batfam) was enjoyed.

For this story, my schedule of once a week might change as I am still in the very early stages of writing. As a heads up, I'll be postponing my Son of Poseidon One-Shots for this. Thanks for your support, it really does mean a lot!

-EthanVenlivrenVari, Cabin #3, Child of Poseidon 🌊🔱

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