15. 21, 35, 16, Lanyard, HIKE!

228 13 5

(this marks past the 2 weeks and a couple days mark)

Danny held a pancake in her hand, a piece of sausage in the middle like a steaming taco, "So Jason." 

She took a bite, cursing as it burned the roof of her mouth, "you sure you're going to be fine without me? I know I have a few more off days left, considering I rarely ever take one, so if-"

"We'll be fine," he wiped a crumb from his face, gesturing to himself and the pets, "you go work, I know you've been itching to get back to the clinic."


Jason raised an eyebrow, interrupting, "You've used up two weeks' vacation time already, and it's clear how much you love being a doctor. Besides, the fall festival's gonna start soon anyway."

"Yeah," Danny's goofy smile brightened her mood, burnt mouth forgotten, "well, I should get going then. If you need anything just use the house phone, and if you go out I have an old cell in the kitchen: Call if there's an emergency."

Tightening her bun and adjusting her scrub shirt, Danny's expression turned panicked with a glance at the clock, cursing again, "I'm already late!"

Rushing, almost tripping on the carpet, she kissed Grey, Loki, and Sarge on the foreheads, Jason crossing his arms, "Don't I get a goodbye kiss too?"

"Argh," Danny flushed at his schist-eating grin.

He laughed, passing her a lunch bag as she punched him, "Hurry before you're even later, chaparrita."

"You'll be the reason I'm-," she cut herself off with a smile, "you know what? Have a good day Jay."

Laughing at each other, the slam of the door cutting off the sound, leaving the house feeling empty and quiet. But then it burst back open, Danny making grabby hands-

"Keys- keys, keys, keys!'

Jason startled, rushing to toss her the lanyard, perfectly aimed as she grabbed it and rushed back out, "Thanks!"

He chuckled, head shaking as he looked through the curtains: Danny was unlocking her car and pulling out, blowing a stray hair from her face, "Oh boy."

"So," Jason swallowed the last of the pancakes, turning back to the animals, "What do you guys wanna do?"


"Welcome back, Dr. Walker," Amy, Danny's co-worker, and receptionist, greeted her with a smile.

"Of course, Miss Aber," Danny spoke with an equally flourished voice before the two dissolved into laughter.

Amy Aber, a person of 23, had been at the clinic since Danny had started her doctoring career, as well as having grown up in the town. She was a young woman with black hair and brown eyes, reminiscent of hot chocolate and freshly tilled earth.

"Alright," Danny cracked her knuckles, "what do we have on today's agenda, Amy?"

"Well," she pulled out a clipboard, heels clacking on the wooden floors, "You have Mr. Marcus, and Ms. Laura's son this morning. Then Mrs. Demitri, Miss Stephan, and Mr. Jenkin in the afternoon."

Danny placed her doctor's coat on, nodding, "Thank you, just send who's first in a few minutes when I get situated. I'll need to prep and then go over some things."

Amy smiled, teeth white against her tanned skin, "Of course, I'll bring them in when you're ready."


Danny placed her jacket on her examination room's door hook, deeply breathing in, settling her nerves.

"Feels just like my first day," She chuckled to herself, "back when I finished training."

Going through the daily motions, getting back into the rhythm, Danny felt herself getting back into the swing of things. And then her phone buzzed.

Shimmying it out of her pocket, she sank into her spinning chair, "Hello?"

"Hey, it's uh, it's Jason, just wanted to check that you, um, got there safe." 

She smiled, he was cute when he was worried about her, "Yeah, I got here safe and sound, Jay. So, how's being home alone going?"

There was a distinct pause, "The pets wanted to watch a Hallmark movie-"

"Are you really watching one right now," The grin on Danny's face was massive, so massive that Jason could practically hear it through the phone.

"Tt," He grumbled, "your heathen animals made me do it."

She laughed, "Uh-huh, well I hope you enjoy your movie, there are snacks in the cabinet if you want 'em'."

"Thanks," The mumble in his voice faded, "talk to you later."

"Bye Jason," she grinned, "have a good day."


Swinging her legs to hoist herself up, Danny took a deep breath, settling open her room's door.

"Well," She fixed the collar of her white coat, "let's get started then."

Hello fellow demigods and dear mortals!

Finally got another chapter done, although this one is a bit slowed down with Danny going back to work. Like I said before, school started this month so I'm going to be busy and will write when I can. So hang in there!

Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter!

-EthanVenlivrenVari, Cabin #3, Child of Poseidon🌊🔱

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