18. Let The Games Begin

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The crunch of Don's Café's rubble driveway sounded underfoot as Danny and Jason they booked it at Mach speeds, already late for the announcements about the Fall Festival.

Danny was allowed to roam around instead of staying at her Doctor's office but was on call for any emergencies or problems that would require her return. But she wasn't too worried considering the small town's population wasn't really known for being daredevils.

So she was going to do as much with Jason as she could.

"I was looking for you two," an amused voice came from behind, "couldn't find you at first."

Twirling around Danny came face to face with Don, "Hey, Donny," she grinned, "had a little mishap with the truck."

Don's warm skin scrunched in a frown, "You didn't crash it did you?"

"You could say that," Danny grinned at Jason, who was trying to retreat from what he knew to be the end of the line. But he'd like to die of anything but embarrassment thank you very much.

"Oh, really now," Don chuckled, turning to him, "surprised she even let you sit at the wheel."

"Hey," Jason felt his face warm, shoving his hands in his pockets with a chuckle, "almost doesn't count. Her truck is safe and sound- now my pride, on the other hand, that might be a different story."

Danny rolled her eyes humorously near Don, placing a hand on Jason's arm, "I'm not letting him drive till he's eighty."

"I don't doubt you could make that happen," the older man put his hands up, as if he was next, before clapping them together, "well, I better head on my way. Can't leave them waiting."

"Tell your wife and kids I said hi," Danny waved, "see you later!"

"Alright," she turned to Jason, "now let's keep going, I don't want to miss any announcements."

"Yes ma'am," Jason saluted, helping her through the crowd with his height.

"It's good to have giant friends," Danny grabbed his hand, refusing to "get lost in the crowd like a five-year-old" as Jason joked, "it's like the Red Sea."

Letting out a bark of laughter, Jason could see she was right; it was easier to navigate through crowds when you were taller.

But he was startled when he felt a weight on his back, holding Danny up as she climbed, "What are you doing?"

"Getting a better view," she huffed, "it's hard being fun-sized."

Jason guffawed, lifting her onto his back easier, "F-fun s...s-sized?!"

"Stop laughing," she smacked his head, "or I'll-"

"And now," glancing up at the stage in front, Danny and Jason quieted, seeing a tall and lean woman speaking into a microphone. A pin on her jacket labeled her as the mayor, which Jason could've guessed without its help. She just had the mayor-like air about her, with her head held high and a warm smile on her face.

"Moving on to our next bit of business," she smiled wider, "our Fall Festival will officially be ready tomorrow, thanks to everyone's hard work!"

The crowd cheered, Jason feeling the hoots and hollers vibrate through the ground from the townspeople and occasional tourists alike.

"Alrighty, alrighty," the mayor laughed, settling the crowd with her hands, "we still have a few things to go over now, just to touch base for our new friends here."

"For day one, tomorrow, we'll be doing face paint and pumpkin carving. Our kind Mr. Rogers has provided specially priced pumpkins from his farm, which will be only a few bucks each. For the face paint, our lovely Miss Walker will be next to the carving station with her brushes and paints."

Jason cheered loudest for Danny, jostling her gently as she tried to hide her face.

"Day two will be the annual baking competition judged by our own Mr. Don, and myself. The rest of the schedule is on our flyer, which we'll have in our store windows and by the registers, for those who want the whole schedule."

"Now," the mayor clapped her hands together, excitement sparkling in her eyes, "it is my honor and a true pleasure to officially welcome everyone to Cedar Woods. Have a wonderful Festival everyone, and I hope you enjoy the festivities!"


Here's another one for you my fellow demigods and dear mortals!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and New Year!

-EthanVenlivrenVari, Cabin #3, Child of Poseidon 🔱🌊

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