7. Settling In

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Over the three days, Danny and I got to know each other better.

We took to making the meals together, teaching me how to cook, as I had no clue what to do. I highly doubted I knew how to cook before losing my memory, but Danny said I was doing way better.

And in our free time, we would search for any clues on my life, but always came up with nothing.

I could only remember so much of what my family looked like, fragments here and there. Such as how I remembered the color of the house was similar to one of their eyes, or that one of them loved animals, and one loved coffee.

Other than that, I got to know the pets as well too, making progress there. Sarge still didn't really trust me, but we grudgingly respected each other, still trying to avoid the other.

Loki also loved to jump on my shoulders or back any chance he got, and Finch took to using my head as a perch, combing through my hair with his beak.

Danny told me the bird and cat did it out of affection... but I just think the dam cat finds it hilarious.

Munching on my cereal I looked up to find Danny staring at me, so I stopped mid-chew, "What?"

"You can't keep wearing those same clothes, Jason," She frowned, "wearing a suit for three days straight."

"Got nothin' else to wear," I shrugged, getting back to my cereal.

She popped up from her chair, startling the animals and me, "Be right back."

I waited for a few minutes, occasionally hearing a rustling or thump, as the dog stared at me the whole time.

"Here," she came back and shoved a pile of clothes onto my lap, "these used to be my uncles. They were here when I inherited the house, when he passed. I'm sure he would've liked you."

Her sad smile, as she plopped down on the living room couch, morphed into a happy one as the pets snuggled her, "Oh you guys are so sweet."

"Uh, okay."

I lazily walked to my room, finding even more clothes on my bed, hearing Danny's voice drift down the hall, "And take a shower while you're at it, you stink!"

I chuckled, "Yeah, yeah!"

We became best friends almost instantly, bickering back and forth like little children, teasing each other, and being complete doofuses.

Switching my thoughts away, I noticed a lot of the shirts were plain ones, with a few plaid button-ups, and the pants were mostly just jeans. A couple of pairs of sweats and some baggy shorts were there too.

But for the first day I was here, I ditched my suit jacket, vest, and rolled up my sleeves. I also just took to wearing them for the time being.

And as I shoved my hands in my pockets, staring at my clothing options, I noticed something.

In the pocket of my jacket were a wad of twenties, a shuriken, and a rubber bullet.

Weird. Guess I didn't notice them before.

After my shower, I swiped the wet hair from my head and went over my options again.

I ended up choosing a maroon t-shirt with a black long sleeve underneath, worn blue jeans and found a black ball cap at the bottom of the pile.

After adjusting my watch, tripping over the cat, and cussing at it, I slumped onto the couch. The shower, I will admit, felt nice with a new change of clothes.

Looking back up at Danny, her eyes twinkled, "Come on Mr. Sack of Bones, we're going out!"

I did a double-take. She was now dressed in jeans and a turtle neck sweater, with her hair thrown up in a messy bun. Much different from her pajamas, slippers, and untied hair she had on a little while ago.

Stretching my limbs, we stood up, "Where are we going," I asked.

"We're going for a walk, I didn't show you around town yet," She grabbed a black jacket from the rack, tossing it at my head, "so hurry your slow butt up!"

Shaking my head, I jerked on the jacket and raced after her out the door.

"Hurry up!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming," I chuckled as we got to the car.

Sliding into the driver's seat, she glanced over at me, "Seatbelts please!"

I barely buckled in when she punched it, being thrown back against the worn leather seats.

And all I could do was stare at her laughing face, blushing lightly, on our way to town as the radio blasted our favorite classic rock music.

Hello fellow demigods and dear mortals!

Jason and Danny are finally leaving the house, and we're finally going to get a glimpse of her hometown! Jason is also finding small hints of his life, such as the contents of his discarded jacket's pocket, but I wonder if he's going to realize they are clues?

I'm really excited about this! And I finally was able to touch up the book cover too!

Well, that's all I got for today *shrugs*

-EthanVenlivrenVari, Cabin #3, Child of Poseidon 🌊🔱

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