17. Whiplash and Last Names

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(after breakfast)

"So," Danny watched Jason carefully as he drove into town, the man having claimed he remembered the way there. 

Which she was uncertain about letting him do, considering her blue truck was practically family.

"So, what?" He spared her a humored glance before returning his eyes to the road, adamant on easing her fear of him at the wheel.

Had to keep your eyes on the road after all.

"You excited about the festival? I know you haven't been having the most adventurous time in such a little town," she brushed a lock of hair behind her ear.

"If you have to know," he shifted his hands, tapping the wheel, "it's been pretty okay spending time at your house. But I can't deny, that sounds like a schist ton of fun, especially considering how much you've been talking about it."

"Pretty okay, huh," she flicked his shoulder, fake offense dripping off sarcasm.

"Yup," Jason grinned his signature schist-eating grin, shrugging one arm, "could've been better."

Danny felt the fear of him being serious and her insecurities fade away, "Wow, Todd, you sure know how to flatter a girl."


Danny and Jason jerked against their seatbelts, his foot slammed hard on the brake.

"I-I'm sorry," he looked up frantically, seeing the startled look in Danny's eyes, gaze roving her body for injuries.

She placed a hand over her chest, no doubt feeling her frantic heartbeat, "Why'd you stop!? A-are you okay?"

Watching her look him over, Jason took a deep breath, steadying against the wheel, "No, I, I just... one of my brothers called me by my last name a lot. It- I guess- it, it just caught me off guard."

Danny waited as Jason looked at his shaking hands, understanding flooding through her, but relieved that he was unhurt. He wasn't looking at her, but she could see his cheeks lift, a smile sure to be swirling in his eyes.

"Buuuut, could you take the wheel, please," he laughed, "I'd rather not destroy your car."

Danny stuck her tongue out just as he did, the two giggling.

Great minds think alike.

"Of course," she placed a hand on his arm before stepping out, freezing him in his tracks, "but are you sure you're okay?"

Jason gave a nod, his breath freezing in the air, "I'm just, relieved you know? I feel like I'm on a roll remembering all these things. Even if they're small details."

"Big or small," Danny slid from her side, passing each other outside the vehicle, "all of it's important, Jay."

Entering the driver's seat, the back had to be pulled forward considering Jason was a giant. Especially compared to her small height, Danny laughed to herself.

Settling her foot on the gas, 10 minutes went by without a word.

"You know," Danny spoke gently, breaking the air, "my Uncle had amnesia for a few days after falling from a ladder.

Seeing Jason stare at her from the window, he shifted his hand, "Yeah?"

Danny nodded, "It was pretty scary, so I can't imagine how it is for you, exactly, but maybe I can try if you'd talk about it more."

"I mean," She hurried quickly, "not if you don't want to I don't want to offend y-"

"I know," Jason looked up at her and reached a handout.

She gripped it, slowing the car to a stop just before entering town, "And hey, we all work things out and react in different ways... whether it be using a punching bag or almost crashing my car."

"You're not gonna let that go, are you," Jason smirked as she giggled.

"Nope," a schist-eating grin, an exact replica of Jason's, slid onto her face. She looked badass in his opinion, he thought, and decided to say just that.

Danny laughed, looking down at their still interlocked hands with a slow smile, "Well thank you, Mr. Todd. I try."

"Absolutely no problem, Miss Walker," he flipped his hand in a fancy motion, Danny watching humorously. 

Jerking her head in the direction of Main Street, Danny took a new breath, "Now, how about we head into town and relax a bit, hm?"

"Alright," he smiled excitedly, resting his head against the chilled window to see the town around the bend, "let's go!"


Good Morning my fellow demigods and dear mortals,

Here is another Chapter for you all this fine Christmas morning! Happy Holidays and have a fantastic day! <3

-EthanVenlivrenVari, Cabin #3, Child of Poseidon 🔱🌊🎄

Red HoodNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ