4. Storms of Change

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On our way to the clinic, Danny told me a little about herself, and I told her some of what I could remember.

It was a way to keep me awake since she was worried about me nodding off, and I didn't have to remember my life to know that was a bad thing.

Dannielle was a doctor in the Harbor Clinic, her favorite color was maroon, and her father dabbled in the medical field too. She loved animals and loved to be in nature, camping being one of her favorite things.

I told her my favorite color was also red, and I lived in some type of city. I remembered I was adopted, and had a couple brothers too, one of them who also loved animals.

Timmy, Damian, and Dick... but I couldn't remember much about them.

"Don't worry," she gave me a reassuring glance, "everything will come back."

I nodded but immediately regretted it as my headache increased, pounding at the sides of my skull like a machine gun.

Eventually, we arrived at the clinic, and she led me through the warm white halls into an office.

"This is my office," she walked over to a cupboard, pulling out some bandages and a thing of disinfectant, "could you sit over there please?"

Moving across the average-sized medical room, I sat myself on the edge of the table.

Danny moved around the place, collecting a few things here and there, and I found myself studying her face.

She had bright green eyes that held a mischievous spark, a light splashing of freckles across her cute nose, a heart-shaped face, long and wavy dirty blonde hair that was tied up loosely, and a small scar rested on the edge of her left brow.

Noticing I was staring, I quickly averted my gaze, finding interest in the loose thread of my suit.

Slipping off my jacket, I remembered a voice, it sounded tired but was amused.


"Ok," I snapped my gaze to Danny again as she spoke, "I'm going to have to disinfect the cut, but it might sting a bit, and the stitches might pinch too."

Taking a cold cotton ball filled with disinfectant, she got to work as I barely winced when she touched it.

When Danny finished with the stitches, she started wrapping up my head, "You did really well, most people usually freak out a bit."

I gave a grin, "I have a feeling I'm used to getting stitches and having accidents."

She laughed, and I couldn't help but smile.

She had one of those contagious laughs, one that made you feel good and brought a light to a room.

Danny put away her supplies, and went a little into doctor mode, "It's going to leave a scar, and you have to be careful not to get it wet. We have to change the bandages every so often, as well. The stitches are also special ones that should dissolve in a few days."

"Guess our scars are going to match," I looked out the window, seeing the clouds darken, "It's going to rain soon."

She glanced at the clouds, and nodded thoughtfully, "Your right, we'll have to get home before it starts to downpour."

Raising my uninjured eyebrow, I turned back to her, "Home?"

She matched my eyebrow perfectly, "You don't have anywhere to stay, and I have a guest bedroom no one's using. Might as well use it."

I couldn't mask the surprise on my face as she walked out the door, leaving me no choice but to follow.


Hello fellow demigods and dear mortals! 

Here is the new chapter of "Red Hood"! I am really happy about it since the story is going as planned so far. I'd also love to hear what you guys think of it!

I'm still working on future chapters and will get to work on some more after finishing up my last class for today. I'm not sure how long this will get, but I have extra chapters as a buffer, so there will be a few chapters if something happens. Well, I hope everything is going well for you guys!

-EthanVenlivrenVari, Cabin #3, Child of Poseidon 🌊🔱

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