33. Run, Run as Fast as You Can, You Can't Catch Me I'm The Gingerbread Man

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The rest of the day passed by like a blur, winning the baking competition a huge boost to Danny's confidence in her abilities. 

She was proud, dam it, and she knew that it wasn't just pride in herself, Jason did a fantastic job too and Danny couldn't have been more grateful for the push he had given her. Especially to do something she so wanted to try but was too scared to do.

After losing pretty much everything the only people who had done that was Uncle Cliff and Antonio.

Wanted to learn boxing and martial arts? Sure, no problem kiddo.

You want to get a new oven to bake? Should've just said so, we got you.

Needed a break from anything? You don't need to be shy, let us know so we can help you.

Danny never had many people to trust so much to that level of 'I will do anything for you', and Jason was one hell of a friend if he was willing to put up with her.

"Watcha thinkin' about," Jason scratched his jaw, eyes alight with the victory they just had. In his hands was the silver trophy, the name of their team (Baking B*tches) engraved on the plaque attached to it.

Each year the name would be given the day before for there to be enough time to make the engravings, each team had one and it would be attached to the trophy if they won. It was a tradition, those who participated keeping the plaque even if they failed: a memento of fun times and good memories, so to speak.

"Nothing," Danny's voice was overly innocent until her grin broke through, "just thinking of how awesome it is we won a baking competition for the first time."

"I know right," he sighed, hand on his chest as he looked up to the sky, "it was as if we were graced by god himself."

Smacking his head, well, tried being the key word considering her petite arm couldn't reach it, she smacked his arm instead, "Goof-ball."

"Hey, being a goofy ass b**ch is a specialty," Jason snickered, "you learn to get used to it."

"Its been three weeks and I don't think I'll ever get used to it," Danny sassed back, no heat in her words.

"Oh-hoh," he smirked, "looks like the chaparrita is getting feisty again!"

And before Danny could retaliate with another smack, Jason was off, laughter trailing behind him as she raced after, the wind blowing through her messy hair as she took off.

"Get back here, cowboy!"

"Make me!" He shouted over his shoulder.

"Oh I will," Danny growled, smirking.

Jason put on more speed as he risked a glance behind, a taunting smile etched onto his face.

"Gotta catch me first!"


Hello fellow demigods and dear mortals!

Finally I am able to write again now that I have a new computer, though I'll have to adjust to it considering the screen and keyboard are very different in size to the previous one. But once I adjust I'm sure it'll be smoother sailing from here, so no worries.

Anyway, here are today's chapters, and thank you guys!

 -EtheraVenlivrenVari, Cabin #3, Child of Poseidon 🌊🔱

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