9. Memories and Trinkets

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(Jason's POV)

We spent a little more time by the town, exploring, as Danny introduced me to more people. And I could tell they all loved her, easily seeing why; Danny was kind, smart, and genuine, and I haven't met such a pure soul in a while... or at least I think, cause, y'know, amnesia and everything.

God, I hate amnesia so much.

"Come on Jason, let's do one more," Danny's fluttered her eyelashes at me, determined to be an annoying little schist.

Grumbling, I let her take a couple photos of us together, trying and failing to get me to make faces with her. I somehow ended up carrying her phone, and through the day we ended up snapping more photos here and there when we felt like it. Sometimes I snuck one when she wasn't looking.

But as we walked, the people around the town still setting up for the festival, Danny somehow wrapped me into it with her. Leading me to meet a lot of others we joked and had fun, her smacking me with the long sleeves of her sweater when I teased her.

It was easy to do it, and hilarious to make her flustered, and we both end up having a lot of fun. Much more than I expected.

Once we finished, Danny acted like a little kid as she dragged me down Main Street, introducing me to practically everyone we passed.

Some replies were teasingly amused as they took in her hand holding my wrist, but the green-eyed girl was oblivious to their looks and my warm face. While others greeted me like I've lived here my whole life, I guess it was one of those "everyone knows everyone" places.

One where they greeted everyone like a friend.

It was starting to get late, the cold wind reminding us that Fall days would get chilly after dark. And after being shown around a couple stores (losing count after the first three) Danny wanted to show me one more before heading back.

Stopping inside "Stephanie's Trinkets", the soft scent of vanilla and cinnamon drifted to my nose as the tinkling of the bell sounded. And, as the name implied, little trinkets were littered on all of the shelves, adding to the place's warm atmosphere.

"Steph!" Danny smiled, my eyes trailing to the elderly woman who must've been the owner of the store.

"Steph" had grey hair streaked with its original black that laid tied in a soft braid, the plait of hair reaching her hip. It hung loosely over her simple collared dress, the soft material bringing out the woman's kind brown eyes and tanned skin.

It seemed the two were extremely close as the Spanish woman returned the smile, warmly hugging Danny, "It's been too long, chaparrita."

My brow furrowed in confusion, recognizing the Spanish word, but I chose to snicker at Danny being called "shorty".

Which ultimately earned me a smack on the bicep.

Rubbing the spot I was sure would bruise later, I rolled my eyes at her amazing strength, "Ow."

Noticing me for the first time, Steph quickly glanced between me and Danny, "And who is this handsome young man, your boyfriend? You two look good together."

"Abuela," Danny flushed, "we do not look good together. And he's not my boyfriend!"

"What," I easily hid a smirk, feigning hurt as I placed a hand to my heart, "am I that terrible to be around, short-stack?"

"Your gonna get it now, Jay," Danny punched my arm again, "and since when do you know Spanish?"

"Ouch," I grimaced, "stop hitting me, Shorty!"

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