24. Onward We Go

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Jason held tightly to the blue ribbon labeled 'Cedar Woods Pumpkin Carving Champion', refusing to shove it in his pocket, wearing it on his chest proudly.

As he should, Danny thought warmly, he really needed another win, especially since they were getting nowhere with finding his identity. It was getting harder and harder every day for Jason, she knew, seeing him get fidgety with each passing amount of time.

It's been about 2 weeks and seven days, I would be worried if he wasn't upset, I know I would be, she sighed.

Hearing a groan, Danny turned to look at Jason, finding him taking a deep breath.

"Everything okay, Jay?" Her eyes searched his face, finding him blinking heavily.

"I've just got a headache is all," he smiled unconvincingly, "but I'm okay."

"I'm a doctor," Danny placed a hand on her hip, raising a sassy eyebrow, "I see all and know all. I'll do whatever you need to feel better, and that includes if we need to go back to the house."

He only hesitated a moment before he broke, "I guess... I-"

Danny nodded.

"Can we just go back home," he murmured, head hung tiredly, "even if its just for a little bit?"

She smiled gently, softly grabbing his hand and leading him to the truck all without hesitation, "Sure thing, Jay."

"Thank you"


The car ride home was pretty quiet, Jason leaning his head against the window again, watching the clouds clear up to beautiful skies.

"How're you doing," Danny glanced at him, hands on the wheel.

He blinked, "Still the same."

"Just let me know if it gets worse, okay?" she patted his leg.


Danny worried at his short answers, wondering if this was another memory trying to poke through or not. It would be nice if he could remember a bit more, knowing it was something that made his eyes light up happily.

She wanted to help get him home to his family.

Thinking of the word family left her wondering what it would be like if she still had her own.

What would her Uncle say? Would her parents be proud of her?

The only person she really had left that was like true family, was her mother's childhood friend, Antonio.

Smiling, Danny remembered the way Antonio would cook her and her Uncle lunch when they visited, knowing it was her and her mother's favorite dish. Or how he would pay attention to every little detail, every little thing, always wanting what was best for Danny.

He was a good man, about the age her father would've been now, and was the pure definition of what a perfect father figure would be.

I'll have to visit him soon, she shifted in her seat, maybe I'll even bring Jason along.

At the thought of her close friend, Danny spared a glance off the road and to him, his body sagging in the seat as he started to doze off.



"Hmm," he groggily groaned, the green eyes of Danny greeting his.

"We're here," she gently rubbed his cheek, "c'mon, let's get in the house."

"M'kay," Jason mumbled, blearily blinking away the spots in his vision, his head feeling like it was splitting open.

He barely noticed that Danny had already unlocked the front door and led him inside, sitting him on the couch with water and a grey blanket. A blanket that he knew to have been in the bedroom, somehow already in her hands without her having to get it.

Nonetheless, Jason threw it over his head to block out the light and sound agitating his senses.

Feeling hands slide across his shoulders and up to his head, gently rubbing at his headache, he flushed but didn't pull away from Danny's touch, a touch that seemed to tame the raging jackhammer in his skull.

Ignoring the fact that he was blushing madly, Jason sank into the touch, grudgingly allowing himself to relax.

A few minutes passed by before anything was said.

"Better?" Danny's soft voice asked, her hands pausing.

"Yes," Jason grumbled, wondering how much time had passed as they sat there.

"Do you think you're up for a walk?" She searched his face in concern, "Some fresh air might do you some good."

Jason nodded his head before regretting it, feeling the pain pulse, opting to answer verbally.

"I guess a few minutes couldn't hurt."


Hello my fellow demigods and dear mortals!

Today is a bit of a surprise since I'll be posting twice, which I don't normally do, because I had finally felt my writer's block take the back seat and was inspired a lot today. Hope you enjoy and have a really good day!

-EthanVenlivrenVari, Cabin #3, Child of Poseidon🔱🌊

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