8. Hallmark Movies and Cinnamon Buns

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(Danny's POV, bet you weren't expecting that *ensue plotting laughter*)

Watching as the leaves drifted down from their perches on their branches, I smiled contently.

Jason and I were loudly singing Summer of 69' by Bryan Adams as we drove down the road, and whatever lyric Jason didn't remember, he would just make up. We were left in stitches after just a few seconds, the easy laughter lightening the mood even more.

Autumn was my favorite time of year, especially because of the changing trees and weather. But that wasn't all, there was always a week-long festival every Fall.

Even though I knew a lot of people in this everyone knows everyone town, I've never made any real close friends that were my age.

I mean, sure, I was close to a lot of people, but I never really went with any of them, even if we did bump into each other. It was always just my Uncle and I until he passed away.

Guess you can say Jason is the first person that I've gone to the Festival with, in a long time.

And to say his face was priceless as we pulled up, would be the understatement of the century.

Taking in the sight of Main Street, strung with life and lights, I couldn't help but get excited.

Jumping out of my worn truck, my boots thumped against the concrete as I heard Jason mumble, "It's pretty cool."

I laughed, spreading my arms as I looked over my shoulder, "It's my favorite season ever."

"I can see why," He gave a lopsided grin, "you know what this place reminds me of? A Hallmark movie I was forced to watch."

Smiling while grabbing his wrist, I half-drug him to the Café, "Come on! Donny has the best pumpkin cinnamon rolls and we'll miss out if we don't hurry."

"I'm coming, I'm coming," He mumbled, the chilly air bringing a red tinge to dust his cheeks. 

Slipping my hand onto the chilly door handle, the tinkling of the bell caught Kevin the Cat's attention, "Hi baby! You look so handsome today!"

Jason looked up quickly, confusion clear on his face, "Who's Kevin, I don't see anyone?"

The chubby cat found his way into my arms, and I gave him a kiss on the nose, "This is Kevin. Kevin, say hello to Jason, he's staying with me until he gets his memory back."

The two just stared awkwardly at each other.

I'm sure they'll like each other... eventually.

(Jason's POV)

"Hey, you're here," A middle-aged man came out from the back, interrupting the weird staring contest Kevin and I were having.

I found myself studying the new occupant of the room, assessing his traits and weaknesses.

I wasn't even sure why I was studying him, but it kind of felt like second nature.

Anyway, his hair was tied back into a small bun, with the sides of it shaved, and had a smooth pendant around his neck. He also had on a pair of worn jeans, like me, but had a blue elbow patched long sleeves.

He looked to be about 45 years old, maybe a little more, but still looked fit.

And it seemed like the guy could throw a good punch if he wanted to, but didn't look like the kind of person to get into a fight.

His mocha eyes had smile lines at the corners, same for the edges of his mouth, as he smiled at us.

"Here for the cinnamon buns again," A grin flashed from his dark-skinned face, "don't worry, I have some saved just for you in the back."

Danny grinned again, "Oh my gosh Don, you are seriously a lifesaver."

She seemed super excited for the dessert, dragging me out the door, "Ok, you're going to try these, and you're going to love them!"

Ranting the entire time it took to reach the truck, I laughed, "So these are the "best of all time", you say?"

"Oh yeah," The wax paper crinkled as she pulled the warm treats out, "he has a secret recipe from his great-great-uncle."

Placing one in my hands as we sat in the bed of her truck, she literally stared at me without blinking, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because, I want to see your face when you realize that this is the best dessert in the history of desserts," She grinned widely.

"Okay...," Taking a reasonable-sized bite as Danny took a gigantic one, I almost dropped the cinnamon treat, "Ohmgof."

"I know," She shrieked, "they're so good!

After we finished the heavenly warm dessert, as in eating 6 of them between the two of us, we decided to head around town.

Needless to say, I was going to definitely remember Don's café when I went back home.

Breaking me out of my thoughts, Danny smiled, "Let's go walk Main Street first, maybe we can even help out with some things."

Her eyes sparkled with so much excitement, that I started to feel it myself, "Sounds fun."

Jerking forward, I stumbled as she dragged me down the street, a warm feeling in my chest.

"Hurry up slow-poke!" 


Hello fellow demigods and dear mortals!

Sorry that I'm a little late with this one, but with getting back from Thanksgiving break, it's been a little crazy! But I hope you guys enjoyed your Holiday time, and apologize once again for the delay.

I may or may not be able to post next week's chapter, but it depends on what my schedule looks like. Well, have a good day everybody!

                     -EthanVenlivrenVari, Cabin #3, Child of Poseidon 🌊🔱

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