35. Driveway Thoughts

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The two pulled up to the curb in front of Danny's house, the engine cutting off with a light sound as the tires crunched on grey gravel. The porch light softly lit up the familiar and cozy drive and Jason stretched, checking his watch.  

"We're home," Danny called as she unbuckled her seatbelt, stepping out and looking back with a soft smile. 

Waiting for him to follow, the word caused his mind to pause as he walked down the familiar driveway, and it really hit him, realizing just how much this place began to mean to him. 


Running his hand along the welcoming white fence felt like something he should be doing. It was natural, just walking up the drive alongside Danny, unlocking the door, and putting their jackets away like he had lived there all his life.

All those memories made the edges of his lips curl at the thought. It was... nice.

As Jason began to space out once again, he was snapped back to reality by Danny's voice. She had a playful smile on her face, "So, what do you feel like having for dinner?" Her keys jangled together as she tossed them, greeting the waiting pets.

"Whatever you want," he absentmindedly scratched Loki behind the ears, chuckling softly when he earned a content purring from the cat.

"You made me breakfast," she looked at him pointedly, "you choose."

"Not sure," Jason shrugged with a grin, knowing he was being difficult. It was an art, one that he was very good at thank you very much.

"Alright you little schist," Danny's eyes darkened without a real threat, amusement clear in her tone, "either you pick or you're sleeping in the woods tonight."

Jason shrugged one arm, palm up, "Honestly? That doesn't sound that bad!"

She paused before laughing, "Yeah, you're right, chilling in the woods is nice, though I don't know if you'd be saying that when the fall air nips at you like a hungry wolf-" she put a hand to her hip "-and speaking of hungry, you'd be missing out on dinner."

"Hmm," he put a hand to his chin, dragging out the sound, "now that is a tough dilemma."

"Only you, Jay, only you," she shook her head, green eyes sparkling, "now go wait on the back porch while I make dinner, grab some tomatoes from the garden box while you're there."

"Yes ma'am, Boss Lady," he saluted, crisply turning on his heel and marching towards the kitchen door like a little toy soldier.

"If you keep calling me that," Danny scowled, trying to hide her smile, "we might have a problem."

"Hey," Jason pointed at her, chuckling as he stepped over the dog, "you started it first, remember?"

It was her turn to salute, failing to hide her grin, "Yeah, yeah, I remember, Bossman."

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