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I watch as the gigantic willow trees pass by in a blur causing my dim eyes to shift every second. Being chased from state to state is a big hassle . Feeling as though eyes are watching me every second makes my skin prickle with uneasiness. I wish I could just vanish into thin air and float away with the flowing wind . Forks Washington the sign says as I drive pass it.

I bought a small house on the outskirts of forks to stay hidden , not needing any unwanted attention to be drawn to myself. I finally pull up to to my new home . For a last minute thing it isn't so bad. It's a small house surrounded by a beautiful forest.

I step out of my car and head into my new home , it's temporary but I'll do until they get close

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I step out of my car and head into my new home , it's temporary but I'll do until they get close . They ............. the people who killed my parents, the only people I had in my life that cared about me . I was 15 when they came and took the most important people in my life .

                             | FLASHBACK |
"Ma, what we eating tonight?" 15 year old me questioned smiling up at my beautiful mother. "Meatloaf, your favorite sweetie now go up and get washed up so we can eat" my mother says ushering me out of the warm kitchen

I get up and run upstairs bumping into my father and falling on my butt. "Ouch , sorry dad I wasn't watching where I was going are you okay?" I say standing up apologizing to my father.

"It's ok sweetie just be careful next time and yes I'm okay , it's gonna take a little more than that to knock me down" he says pulling me into a hug chuckling................that was until he heard a loud boom followed by my mothers agonizing scream . He immediately pulled me downstairs and put me in the closet and enchanted it with a binding/invisibility spell causing his hands to light up golden and his eyes to turn red.

"Daddy what's going on ? Where's ma? Let me out" I question frantically rushing out my every word. "Listen to me princess and listen good , no matter what happens don't come out of this closet, I always want you to remember that you are very special. Your the most powerful being in the world and because of that people will label you an outcast but always remember daddy and mommy loves you so so very much never doubt yourself"

"Daddy please le-" my words got cut off when I saw my mothers body slam violently against the wall and she went limp . I stare and her and watch the life drain from her eyes before clamping my hand over my mouth silencing my choked out cry.

"Where is she Martin ? Gives us the girl and we'll let you go ." The man in black suit says as he holds my father by the throat. I watch through they tiny hold that was in the wooden door that's been here since i drilled it there playing hide and seek with my mother one day.

"You'll never get your hands on her Gabriel" my father managed to choke out. "Well I guess this is goodbye my old friend , we could have conquered the world together but you had to go and ruin it" Gabriel tightened his hold on martins neck instantly snapping it in half. I register my dad's heavy body drop onto the wooden floor as Tear after tear fell down my face .
                     |FLASHBACK OVER|

After I fled the scene that night ,I was own my own constantly on the run........ it's not the lifestyle I imagined for myself but I'm alive thanks to my parents.I'll keep running until my last breath if that's what makes them happy. I haven't felt any warm pleasant emotion since my parents where killed .I take some time to look around my new house to make sure everything is there and in its place. I sent everything here through a portal to make things faster and more convenient.

I walk back to the porch and look out at the forest, it might sound a little wired but I felt like I belonged here. It felt like the forest was calling out to me , I tried to shake it off but when I blinked I found myself at the edge of the forest taking a step into the dampish darkish covering. I love the way the trees block out the sun but not the heat and the small breeze that comes through every 3 minutes.I walk and walk further and further into the gigantic forest getting lost but not caring because this is the first time I've been content in a while.

I caught a whiff of someone or rather something and my guard immediately shot up, golden aura flowing off of me in waves .I look around for the person i smell and set my sight on a small girl that looks around 10 years old. she has long brown hair that reaches mid back and pretty pale skin , brownish reddish eyes that look like they bore in your soul. "your just like me" the little girl spoke staring directly at me with a smile on her face. i look at her and tilt my head to the side examine her. I sniff the air again .

"your a hybrid" I whisper out to myself , but of course the little girl heard me because of her amazing hearing. "human and vampire" I say dropping my guard not sensing any threat. "yes and your one too" she says walking up to me now standing directly in front of me . I smile down at the girl before squatting down to her height. "somewhat , why are you out in the forest by yourself? " I ask the little girl smiling.

" I was playing hide and seek with my mom and dad's but i cant find them" she pouts. I chuckle .cute. "well ill be more than gla-" before I could get my words out i hear a loud menacing growl coming from behind me .

My hair immediately turns pure white and one of my eyes turns blue whistle the other turns red and a gold aura emits from my body. I start to levitate taking the child with me not wanting her to get hurt. As my body turns around and i make eye contact with the gigantic brown werewolf its like everything stilled. Nothing else mattered but me and him.I would do anything for this person, be anything for this person. Give all my love and attention to this person.

I imprinted.

I slowly brought me and the child down snapping out of my head. Now back on the ground with the brown werewolf the little girl runs to it . "Jake , this is my new friend, she's just like me dad, you should meet her" she says tugging on the wolfs fur. He nudges the little girl out of the way and walks towards me . I cautiously watch as he circles me and sniffs me every now and then.

He nudges me with his head and I slowly bring my hand up to softly pet him, he lets out a load purr and i giggle . he backs away and goes behind a tree. He comes back and ...........

New story ??

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