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"What the fuck do you mean Paul?" Rosalie spat standing up out of her seat .

" exactly what I just said,Paul lahote, the wolf" I frowned putting my fork down. I knew this would be her reaction, Rose has a temper and she doesn't like letting new people in . Especially her natural born enemy.

" You expect me to share you with not only one wolf boy but two? How is that gonna work ? You know he has anger issues?" Rose paced back and forth getting angrier by the second. It's take a hothead to know one .

I walk over and pull her into my embrace . "Shhhhh , calm down princess , your working yourself up for nothing cause at the end of the day your're both mines , and we will not fuss and fight over me like children." I say running my fingers through rose's hair .

"But mayaaaaa, I don't wanna share you with them" she does a cute little pout. "Awwwww babyyyyy , but you have to so suck it up and put on your big girl panties . I laugh and walk back over to my food .

Just after I get done eating I hear charlise come in. "Hey maya , how have you been?" He asks coming over after he gave his wife a hug and kiss. "I've been good so far , just had a little insomnia and needed to catch up on rest" I say getting up to hug him.

"Your ok now ? " he asked wrapping his arms around me and embracing me in a hug. "Yea I'm totally fine now , I got plenty of rest last night" I say pulling back from the hug . They follow me into the living room while the two mates sit in the open space and I sit in Jacob's lap.

"I see your getting a little more comfortable with us" Edward says snuggling into Jacob more loving the way his body heat wrapped around him . Bella let out a small chuckle at that . "I am , I just needed a little time to adjust" I whisper bawling up into Jacobs chest as he wraps his arms around me .

"Yea, 3 whole months"Bella says under her breath thinking i didn't hear her . I chuckle and pull her into me as she lays her head on my chest . "Crybaby" I tease . "I am not , I have you know I can't cry tears" she say rolling her eyes .

"I'm just glad your here short stuff , I'm always bored when your not here . Jasper can't play, he sucks at gaming" emmet says lays his head on roses lap. I laugh at the man child. "Jasper you just gone let him down play you like that ?" I ask still laughing.

"He couldn't beat me with his eyes closed darling , I'm not worried at all" jasper says smirking at emmet . "You know your getting something started right?" Edward says looking at me .

I smile right before nessy comes running in the house . " maya , Paul's outside , he says he needs to see you" nessy says before Turing around and running back to wherever she came from .

Rose immediately jumps up . " What the fuck is he doing on our side ?" She shouts quickly standing up . "He's probably here to see me , I'll be right back" I say before standing up and going outside .

Before I could open my mouth to greet Paul rose goes out of the door full speed heading for Paul . Before she could get to him I temporarily paralyze her but before she falls I catch her .

"Paul , what are you doing here?" I ask frowning at what I had to do to my princess. "I needed to see you and you weren't at home so I came to check on you and make sure your ok" he says scowling down my rose .

"I'm fine , as a matter of fact" I snap my fingers and all of my mates appear outside . "Ok here's the deal ,you guys are gonna have to learn to share me . If not I will not speak to you all nor try to form any type of bond with neither of you . Also this little treaty of your has to go so tomorrow where all going to sams house so Paul let him know" I say before looking at everyone .

I look down at rose to see her starting at me in awe. she's so bipolar. I chuckle before un-paralyzing her . "Do I make myself clear ?" I ask making sure everyone was on the same page . They all look at me and sigh before nodding.

"Charlise may paul come in ?" I ask him softly. "Ofc he can sweetheart" he says before Turing and walking back in the house .

"Well .... What are you waiting for Paulina, come here and give me a hug" I open my arms as he walks over and hugs me .

"I missed you"

"Awwnnn Paulina , are you getting soft on me ?" I question pulling him into the house. "Me ,soft? I could never" he replies laughing. We make our way back into the living room and we sit down with Bella , Edward and Jake.

"Sup Paulina" jake says smirking. Paul rolls his eyes "don't call me that" he says before setting in beside me . Nessy coming over and climbs into my lap.

"Maya ..... can I ask you something?" She questions shyly. "Sure pumpkin wassup?"

"I was wondering c-can I call you mom" she questions quietly. A small smile graced my lips before looking down at the small child .

"Ofc you can pumpkin , as long as it's ok with your mother" I say looking over at my mate . She only smiles and nods her head .

"Yayyyy, now I have two mommy's  and daddies" she says  hugging me . She's so adorable.

"Look at you already a mother" Alice says smiling at me . " oh hush" I say before snuggling into Paul.

"Let me make myself clear one more time tho , I don't want any fighting over me whatsoever. And you will respect each other" I say looking around the room .

" of course maya ,we understand fully" charlise says .

We all go back to out conversations.........that was until Alice gasps. "What did you see darling?" Jasper softly asks. " it's the volturi , they're coming for us again , but this time they have backup , somebody named g-gabriel" she says looking at me .

I immediately tense up and my once happy mood drops .

Damn , sorry guys I had writers block 🤦🏾‍♀️ the next chapter will be out faster !!

Love you ❤️

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